HOW? How is it possible to even do Eonar?

I have been trying the past HOUR to get this boss,
I get to the first ship, collect the things, then go off, the flower portals DISAPPEAR after the first one.
By the time they reappear, the second bar is already complete and you DIE
how is this doable?

Edit: Yes, thank you

Finally was able to do it.

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Do it every week. Was just fine last night

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Perhaps check Soul’s video:

[Mythic Eonar Solo Guide in 2024]


There’s a very clear, step-by-step guide to soloing it on Wowhead. I’ve done it a dozen times now across multiple characters.

You need good timing on your movement CD’s and the fight ability that lets you launch. I use both when i’m inside the ship.

There’s a couple videos about how to do it. You have to do it in a very specific pattern or else it won’t work, but once you do it in that pattern, it’s very easy. I wish I could explain it, but I can’t. But there are videos for this that helped me.

It’s not bad once you know how to do it efficiently and where things will spawn, but it does take like 10-20 tries before you get it for most people.