The fact that people complained about outer source power being available in pvp and being a nightmare to balance was probably the reason pvp is bad and not fun for alot of you right now.
First, the reason why FOTM didn’t exist before Dragonflight was due to the outer source power. In fact, it was so influencial that you had 1 and at most 2 characters to do end game that nobody would FOTM and instead use the outer source dmg to find a way to make themselves stronger than the FOTM.
Second, outer source power led to alot of complaints for imbalances and broken things. Suprisingly, since DF, it has been 3 years where you cannot get gladiator in lfg unless your are FOTM. Back in legion, bfa and shadowlands, anyone and every spec could get gladiator with lfg and friends by putting time and efforts into their class that they feel most akin to in real life ( im looking at your druids… yes you all have a furry suits… we know).
Lastly, i would like to mention that there was no real meta during legion bfa and SL because of the gearing and systems around gameplay that made it so every class had a way to be broken and over powered. Now we only have a few specs/class available to push in premade content with every balance patch ( im looking at you feral,hpal,hunter,spriest,fury warriors, unholy dks. must’ve been great to have your time to shine for a week or more in some cases).
I certainly hope they either reintroduce outer source power or find another way to stop this tendancy of how pvp has been going for the past expansion until now because it has made pvp half as popular as it used to. (top 100 in 2s was good, now you are 100 people in 2s so your the worst lmao)
Looks like the rumors about you being on vacation weren’t true.
“How how BFA made pvp so popular and fun/good”
BfA destro locks everywhere with 900% haste from corruption vendor
and that was correct
That’s because of shuffle not because people quit when they couldn’t have gimmicks like corruption on their gear.
Let’s really hope that doesn’t happen. Getting stunned and passively having greater than 50% damage reduction or fighting tanks that 1 shot you from a gear proc is insanely bad for PvP.
Lets not forget that during bfa season 4 to Sl season 2 we had covid lockdown and the game had alot of players because of it and no shuffle so 2s and 3s were poppin.
so give people what they want for pvp to be fun and attract more people.
not in my experience. i played alot of pvp in BFA and i beat every lock i saw. the only ever small issue which i wouldn’t even complain because i could beat them were gushing wound rogue and dh. Everything else was fine like warlock because they flopped and did no dmg anyways when sat on. Compared to right now where if i face snupy in arena im just doing less dmg, have no ms, less healing, take more dmg, less utility, less mobility and less cc than him is kind of not fair dont you think ? at least back then there was a way to get all those things on any specs.
You played Prot Pal which could stack mastery and passively kill any caster that hit them because it reflected all of the damage back. I assure you not everyone had that same experience. That’s also just 1 spec when there were many issues caused by corruption on gear like ineffable hpals, wars stacking versa, tanks 1 shotting people with procs, etc.
I get what you are saying with being able to fill holes and make your spec good with these outside modifiers but I just disagree that it actually solves those problems. There’s still going to be a hierarchy of best to worst just like now. All it does is make everything so much more gimmicky/cheesy.
Genuinely unsure how much, as a percentage, of the OP is trolling.
I actually don’t think he is at all. I remember fighting him a lot in 3’s in SL and he played Prot Pal and would run in popping the venthyr ability spamming hammers while giving his 2 dps teammates immunities. He was actually pretty good imo, but it was just a gimmick and if you knew what to do you’d win the vast majority of the time and if you never seen it before you’d be surprised and get ran over in the first 30 seconds of the game. He really loved that type of thing so I’m not surprised he wants it back.
yes i had that but my friends had just as op stuff in their own ways. i also used some other things during bfa like cycloblast, just using azerite necklace correctly or conduits optimally in sl. those things if you are smart enough make you stronger.
It lets smart peolpe and people with enginenuity be just as strong as people with mechanical skill. There used to be this smart versus good competition until they removed the smart part out of pvp.
Yeah I remember that cyconoblast trinket thing from the garbage dump zone. That’s exactly what I am talking about with gimmicks and completely disagree with it letting “smart people” win; In fact I’d say it’s the opposite. Those types of things are impossible predict when fighting random teams on the ladder and let you catch people offguard and cheese a win. Whereas if you fought the same team 10 times you’d probably lose the next 9 games since they now know what to expect. To me that’s where actual skill and intelligence is displayed: The team that can adapt and consistently win is better. Not the team that can surprise kill someone 1 time because there’s 30 different PvE trinkets that could be abused in any game and nobody knows which ones someone is using.
well then why do you like this meta for the past 2 years that if you face a wizard comp you cannot win under any circumstances ? There is no intelligence needed to play like kalvish and cc 3 players for 12 sec with stuns. just having to sit there and take it and be like. or with the moment with "well, were about to lose in 30 sec, there is no way for us kill that shadow priest or this warlock. "
Ive read so many situations where i see everything in advance and there is no way to change it as ret paladin. I sac, freedom and even if i were to wog ( which you dont want to because dampening, gotta keep pressure, etc) your teamate is just dead because it requires an immunity to stop their go and they just waited until there is no more immunities available (most of the time 2+min cds).
Yeah it’s definitely not perfect right now. I personally would like a return to massive burst like we had in SL as I feel that helps cover a lot of imbalances. It just needs to be predictable (i.e. part of a classes kit and not from a large pool of gear modifiers or trinkets) so people can play well and avoid dying or make mistakes and get punished super hard for it.
Launching my motorcycle from 7 o’clock on the screen to nuke a rogue stuck in a DR intimidation stun.
How I miss BfA. Urchin? Peak game play. Diamond trinket? Peak game play. Maledict and spite? Peak gameplay.
BFA maybe made it popular for the wrong reason. Aka driving everybody away till maybe corruption season.
finally… full cricle
I don’t even think you need to change damage, just reduce health pools. If everyone had 1 million less HP the game would be a lot faster, you could punish mistakes for sure, but you wouldn’t need to significantly change damage or healing.
I realy feel like dragonflight s1 post assa/destro nerf, pre-retpocalypse was the best balance I have ever played in the game.
Some stuff was obviously stronger and weaker than other things, but it didnt really matter because EVERY spec had very real win conditions.