How hot is outside for you currently?

Currently 77,

But it’s supposed to be in the low 90’s this afternoon with about 90% humidity so it will feel over 100.

let’s see, at 4pm-ish it was 106 and at 955 it was still 97; my hot tub current at 101 felt cold at 430 and lukewarm at 930.

Currently 54 and going up to 79! Mountainous areas of NE PA seem to have avoided all the heat so far this year! fingers crossed

'Bout 12 degrees and pouring with rain – with evacuations, gale & flood warnings going out, with sirens faintly heard out in the distance.


Not summer, its the middle of winter down here. Id much prefer summer personally, my toes dont like the cold. And we are currently in the middle of a flood crisis, way too much rain atm.

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It’ll be about 96 today which isn’t bad, but this damn Louisiana humidity though.

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Yeah, it has been devastating with the floods, luckily hasn’t really flooded where I am, but wish this weather system would shift off and give us some sun again.

That is winter? lol, do you live in NZ or something?

It’s in the negatives here in Australia.

its 75f here now.

We’re 92 atm with a ‘feels like’ 102.
Super humid here lately.

81⁰F feels like 87⁰F. Humidity is 80%

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

88⁰F just outside of Atlanta.
It’s a ‘cool’ summer week since it’s been raining on and off. Humid as hell, though.

A breezy 74

Australia, y’know, at the bottom of the planet where stuff is swapped around. :sunglasses:

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Nice, my friend lives in Kalgoorlie. Always hear about the heat and cold semi regularly.

Kalgoorlie eh? Out in the sticks. Out largest outback city in fact. Trivia fact: its so dry there that back in the 19th century they had to build a 330 mile water pipeline to carry water there from Perth. Back then when we weren’t even an actual nation yet, it was a pretty big endeavour. (:

OK, enough local history.


Sounds like Owens, now, dry lake, back in 1926. Except that dry lake is a biohazard now.

Ah yes, I remember reading about that. You have some serious water problems in the California/Nevada area I believe.

Here, take some of the enormous amount of water currently being dumped on the Australian east coast. Please. Parts of Sydney are floating away and the Warragamba Dam (our main water dam) is overflowing. Of course, in a year or two we’ll be in drought because that’s just how it is in this ancient land of ours.

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It’s supposed to be 101 F without adding for humidity here in Missouri tomorrow.