Okay Dj Boarled, who cares?
These 1d10ts have been hating Paladins since 2005. They’re literally the worst class, their hybrid ability was removed in SOD yet they STILL can’t even hit their spell hit cap in raids, and the vocal community of casuals doesn’t know how to fight them in PvP because they can’t press W against a wheelchair when they see a 5 minute CD.
The difference between you and a paladin is the paladins know they are bad and try to improve. You think your good, The best even… When they nerf your class you will reroll to the next broken class.
your class sits at the top without even having to try. why do we see so many shamans? cuz they are soo cool? why we see so many orcs? Cuz they are just so hawt with big peens. Ofcourse not. That class and race is mainly chosen because of how strong they are
I see where you’re coming from but sadly you are talking to the one guy that has stick with shaman for 20 years. Am I the best? Absolutely not. Yet, I definitely know what I’m doing and for sure am not some reroll that comes and goes depending on the meta as you imply.
good your a great shaman nice. You think its cool to have all these scrubs who play shaman next to you call themselvs good? or can you acknowledge your class is simpler to dominate others on and needs some tweaking before we focus on a class that has a higher skill ceiling
Both, simultaneously, as any sane developer should have done from the start. We’re still here debating because whatever plan Bliz had for endgame went down the drain trying to balance around paladin complaints at level 40 and 50.
You guys have complained about every single skill in a shamans arsenal, from purge and lava burst to strength and agi totems. It is mind blowing.
We have been complaining (btw not just paladins) about the shaman runes being implemented. Yall have been complaining about bubble and loh which are 20 year old spells. Purge is strong and op yes but no one not even paladins were asking for that to be nerfd. we have been asking for the runes to be adjusted. But now that Bubble has been nerfd, paladins and others are asking for other classic wow abilities to be nerfd including purge. What class do you think is harder to kill people on Ret paladin or ele
Runes and talents are intertwined in SOD. If it was up to me I’d not touch the dps but I would add shatter or mass dispell via another rune.
As to who performs better, it depends on how good the alliance are. Not fun to play ele vs 2 meathooks, shield slams, boomie stuns, Hoj, blackouts, curse of tongues and rogues that know not to let you free cast. Luckily pugs have no coordination whatsoever, especially on the alliance side, in which case ele just steamrolls. But if we’re talking top skill players on both sides, pala gets my vote right now.
I was asking which we should nerf first runes or basic spells. which do you think we should focus on first spells that are new or the 20 year old spells before the runes.
Your still trying to focus on bubble? ignoring the runes that your class alone has received making your class easy to dominate players on as a new player themselves
what does this even mean? I’m asking you from the perspective of an average player not a pro. a regular day to day peon. Which is harder to dominate players on Ret paladin or ele
Yes we all have weaknesses, But as a shaman you have a ranged aoe slow, instant heals, 1 min defensive giving you 20% damage reduction and 75% mana back, Wolves that stun, do damage to the target, heal the shaman, and gives them a 60% movement speed over 30 seconds, The tankiest pvp spec with the combination of earthshield, riptide, shield mastery, with wolves. Your lighting shield does almost 600 damage to the attacker… every attacker…
I don’t see the point of this discussion. Classic spells were balanced around classic toolkits, not SOD. Runes are as much part of a classe’s core as any other spell, IMO.
You’re acting as if shaman is the only class that got overturned runes in SOD or as if rets were not particularly weak vs ele shams in classic. You are much-much better off in the current version. I am not sure who benefits more from runes. I was blasting people to smithereens in vanilla and classic BGs.
That spec is 21 pts in ele and 30 points in resto. You give up the entirety of your hard casting options. Your issue is that resto shamans put up a healing wall while maintaining decent dps due to burn. For me as a pure ele sham, this is a completely different spec. Imo, burn should require deep investment in ele to be at 100% output, same as they did to riptide/earth shield for resto. At the same time, it’s a new phase with a lot of new stamina gear that benefits tanking specs. As dps classes get their AQ toys, I expect tank specs to take a hit . More than anything in SoD balancing has been hurt due to premature or delayed changes, evidence to the lack of testing.
Classic spells were never balanced in ERA, SoD was supposed to be a stepping stone to Classic + we are not supposed to be changing abilities of the base game before we change all these new spells they are giving us. We can’t change everything from the base game or this will no longer be considered classic
I know there are an immense amount of runes that are op from multiple classes. But i mention shaman because you, yourself, play shaman but continue stating we should nerf paladin. So I use these 2 classes as a comparison.
Shaman is op as Ele/Resto, Ele/tank, resto/tank. Paladins are op as Shockadin but people make it seem like Ret is overtuned. Which class do you think is currently the easiest to dominate on as an average player? Paladin or Shaman
I think Shaman is easier to perform in as an average player. I disagree that shaman is OP in ele/resto or as resto/ele. Paladin has an extremely well rounded toolkit even with the shield nerfs but with those, along with the recent changes to burn, I do not see a reason to nerf rets. Mind you my stance as an ele was to keep rets , boomies and burn unchanged and consider adding instant ghost wolf outdoors to shamans.
So you agree we should nerf shaman before paladin since more players could abuse shaman with ease?
But it is for every other class or specc? what even is this take? Everyone is complaining about Shaman who plays against them, you are playing a Shaman and therefore you feel the need to defend the class. Have you even thought about everytime you have impact in a BG it is because of your class and not you? Time to reflect
No, being easier to perform does not make the class oppressive. We should nerf oppressive situations or equalize the playing field. That means increasing the floor for average rets and increasing ceiling for top shamans, ideally.
Absolutely, Shaman is a top class even now, enhancement excluded. The discussion is paladins/shamans. If you ask me about other classes, anything that is nott a rogue/hunter/priest/boomie is severely limited
I don’t think we should increase the floor. in fact we should reduce it on some. Why? because not everyone is a gamer. Not everyone is willing to try and be the best at their class. many people just want to feel the power and dominate others. Shaman is to easy to dominate other people on. Rogues arguably is easier because now they no longer have to be behind the target to spam backstab. Insane damage and insane CC
I try not to be shortsighted but the average player will do more with a raised floor. Noone likes nerfs. Of course, several other classes need PvP buffs as it is
you saying priest is not limited? shaman is limited?
Nope, shamans and paladins are right there with boomies/rogues/hunts/priests (heals), if not in a tier of their own right now