How has Sentinel Talondris not been nerfed yet?

200k every 2 seconds with a stomp that does another 200k. It’s just way too much. Unless the healer is pumping out 90k+ HPS and everyone is using their personals and potions at the right time it’s nearly impossible. She’s so overtuned it’s crazy. Her Shards damage needs a fat 50% reduction. 100k every 2 seconds is still insane.

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While this boss is ridiculous and does need to be nerfed BADLY, this is rather low for Talondris.

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I try to avoid Uldaman on tyranical weeks because of her alone.


Stun her during stomp cast if the damage is going to kill someone.


Yep you gotta stun the boss. I did this on 20 fortified and we had a fairly clean kill and timed the key by stunning the boss when stomp would overlap with the bleed. Not sure on tyrannical though.

Highest I’ve tanked her on Tyrannical is 18 and she felt like a joke. I was undergeared for it at the time too. Is your tank doing the mechanics right? Walking her through the things and stunning her?

Even if you had a group that can perfectly stun every stomp/bleed overlap, the bleed on tyran eventually becomes ridiculous by itself when the boss gets its stacks going.

Basically requires immunities and cheese in the form of dwarf/cauterize/prot or ret pally externals. Or get really lucky and hope it doesn’t keep restarting the same person who ran out of answers

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Yeah but see that’s kind of the problem. Having that level of coordination required for Raid bosses is fine, not for a dungeon group.

The tank alone can do it, no coordination required…

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At what key level? That type of play isn’t required in a 10, but if you’re getting Mythic level loot for a 20 there’s no reason people should expect to target dummy afk through 20s.

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Talondrus ruining more keys. Another three 18-20 Uldamans keys bricked because of the terrible balance in this dungeon. Everyone in my group was knowledgeable and geared.

Everyone is pissed at how cracked this boss is. They need to nerf this unavoidable damage trash into the ground.

They got so afraid of having a free dungeon like SBG that we now get garbage like this.


They put so much of an onus on DPS using their kits for survival that some specs feel like they got left out in the cold.

That’d be Great if the game was actually balanced.

But the reality? Tyrannical bosses take over 3 minutes to kill. So your dps just used their defensive cooldown to not die to one mechanic that’s now on cooldown for another 1-2-3 minutes. Next mechanic? Dead in one shot. .

Really terrible planning on Blizzard’s part.

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That’s why I said some specs get left out to dry. I still like them going in this direction tbh, give DPS a separator.

Yeah really nice having only one defensive to contribute to my group (Rallying Cry) and then can’t use it the rest of the fight. Defensives should be on a 1-1.5 minute CD MAX if this is the trashcan design route Blizz wants to go.

I’m a lock and for the first time ever i feel squishy this season. I can’t imagine how it must be for classes like hunter.

You control the damage increase of the boss. If you stun too often the damage ramps really fast. She gets a stack of Titanic Empowerment every time you stun and every time she casts Titanic Empowerment. Take her through 2 orbs and stun as she’s casting it so you prolong the increase in damage.

The boss that comes after is worse.
The red circles just 1shot you.
No the ones you’re supposed to dodge, the ones you get on you.

Terrible dungeon.

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No they don’t.

Stop running low keys
and stop posting on worthless alts.