How hard is it to elicit player feedback?

How hard would it be to issue an optional survey not unlike the GM support feedback survey in game to every single subscriber for a much more robust and aggregated population study? Even if you can only get a sample the people actively playing can answer binary, multi response, and free from content from within the game you’re actively seeking feedback for.

Do you want era wrath servers? Yes, no, n/a.

Like you have the power to generate powerful studies instantly from your actual players and you squander this to read the 5 random forum participants? Smh


If they did an actual survey they’d be faced with the reality that they aren’t listening to the community what so ever. They don’t want to do that. They want to do what they want and pretend it’s what players want. This means it’s better NOT to do surveys, seeing as how they’d ignore all the results anyway. It’s like someone calling a vote, then in the end doing what they want anyway, despite losing the vote.

  1. Most of us didn’t get that survey.
  2. It had fake useless questions on it.
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I mean, they did send out surveys. Several months ago, about Cataclysm. I remember getting one and doing the whole thing. They do listen, its just easy to think they don’t when the result isn’t one you want.


I’d love to see an official survey about this issue. Obviously some people want Wrath era, and some don’t, or don’t care. It’s important to progress the game for those that want that, but it’s just as important to Wrath fans to be able to play the version we enjoy too. I don’t remember getting a survey with any questions about Wrath era, and I’d love to be able to give feedback that way.

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Because math lets you make the same assumptions with a much smaller data set. Even if they did send out a survey to everyone, people would then complain that “well the results are skewed because some players have multiple accounts, and because multiple account holders love spending money, then they must love microtransactions, so obviously they are retail players, so of course they want cata. The survey’s aren’t fair”

If they recently banned 200k accounts, that’s 200k surveys that could be answered by people who ruin the game for their financial advantage, so they are going to vote in a way to make more money. And if a bot runner can answer surveys to their benefit, 100% of the bots are replying to the survey, where as real players will probably ignore the survey entirely, skewing it even more.

(200k account closure source: Recent Actions Against Exploitative Accounts – October 2023)


You mean like the surveys they do every year? :sleeping: asking players what they want to see in the game what they don’t like about features. Like they have done already :man_facepalming:

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