I´m trying to go to Northrend using the boat on Stormwind but the boat never shows.
The place is changed because of BFA, there are a lot of boats close.
I really need back to Northrend and I don´t know how, someone could help me?Thanks
Protip : Hire a mage to port you for 100g
The other boat is at Menethil Harbor in the Wetlands. New expacs break the boats sometimes, so a mage port would probably be a better idea.
In New Dalaran there is a portal to Wymrest temple. Pandaria has a Portal. Also Menethil harbor boat.
Thanks for all the help.
Looks like the only way to get there without another player help is using the boat on Menethil Harbor in the Wetlands (Take a while but he will shows).
Looks like the only way to get there without another player help is using the boat on Menethil Harbor in the Wetlands (Take a while but he will shows).
Just a thought, but you could always just set your regular hearth to the Alliance shrine in MoP and have access to pretty much anywhere. I set mine back in MoP and haven't changed it since.
It should show up on your map in the SW harbor, it's a little globe like icon. Either way, I'm pretty sure it's the jetty farthest to the North. I just used it the other day, so it should still be working.
Go to new Dalaran. Go to center building.. stand on portal. Go all the way down the hall. The room has portals to many old content places including Wyrmrest Temple. Thats Northrend.
Can you still buy the Kirin Tor ring in Dal? Makes travel to there much easier.
Fun tip. Be a engineer and make a random portal. takes you to all kinds of intretsing places there.
the boat only shows on the far right every 10-15 mins once it leaves. It is extremely slow lol
New Dalaran > Pandaria > Old Dalaran is easiest.
You can take the Wyrmrest portal and skip the middle step, but Old Dalaran is more useful in general.
You can take the Wyrmrest portal and skip the middle step, but Old Dalaran is more useful in general.