How Gladiator Stance can come back

So we all know we’re getting a new talent system which is represented here

As you can see the left side is talents/abilities that are from your core class fantasy and the right section is talents and abilitie from your specialization core fantasy.

So my idea on how gladiator stance can become a potential playstyle again. Is through the left side maybe picking more throughput abilities and forgoing survival talents when available. Based on the druid one I can definitly see that being an option however what we need is a way to not generate threat and generate more damage. (The latter obviously being an option already because that just makes sense.)

The issue is balance not mechanics. If you want to play with a shield, play prot. Blizzard has said explicitly why they don’t plan to bring it back and your solution is not a solution to that problem.

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What problem is that? I don’t have a problem anymore as you can see blizzard solved most of my issue.

With these mechanics a more intense damage protection warrior is possible.

As long as it’s brought back in the way that one-handers were brought back. I don’t want to go back to stance dancing and macro’ing all of that.

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Yeah I don’t see stance dancing as coming back. If anything at all we’ll just see defensive stance as is now but that’s not really related to my original point.

They have already stated, for fact, 100% that Gladiator stance will not be in this upcoming expansion. Maybe in 2 years

I also want to do dps with a shield equipped, but this isn’t happening this xpac

Yes but my point is given the level of talent customization it might still be a feasible path even though it won’t be named gladiator stance.

They’re not brining it back anytime soon. We need to suck it up and get over it!

i don’t think thats how the talent tree’s are going to work.

the talents are going to be passive selections that suppliment the active talents you get automatically from class/spec.

4th spec. Gg.
Bring back rsv as well.