How excited are you for Shadowlands?

No! WoD has great elements to it, and the leveling content was awesome. Then it just stopped, and there was nothing to do

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I like playing WoW & I am playing SL, however, my excitement level is fairly low. The whole going to the SL thingy seems over-the-top from a story perspective. It’s WoD levels of cheesiness.

I’m tired of borrowed power and mission tables. I hope they drastically fix the pvp gearing vendors because I am not a raider.

Finally, I like new and dangly stuff. I was in the crowd that wanted a new class to try and that didn’t happen.

Anyhow, see you in SL!

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I’d say about a 4/10. I was excited beyond belief until they announced the aoe cap. Now I’m convinced the expansion will flop harder than BFA. We will see though.


I’m pretty hyped. Probably around an 8. But that’s because I would literally give anything to get out of BFA as quickly as possible. I hate this expansion.

Not at all. I’ll continue to play Classic.



I’m probably a strong 8/10. I don’t do a lot that people are worried about being bad, like raids and dungeons, I’m mostly looking forward to questing, mounts and exploring.
I have a lot of alts, but I do have a main on each faction so I will do as much as possible with both of them, and then send a couple alts to the covenants I don’t run my mains through. We shall see…it’s too early for me to judge.

Despite disagreeing completely with another awful player power system I’m still at a solid 9/10. New WoW is new Wow, I’m sick of BfA and have done everything I wanted to do this patch and everything BUT the power systems looks great (which is what got me into WoW in the first place…the world, not the talent trees I knew nothing about.)

Granted part of that 9/10 is that one of the covenants I do want to choose is simming really well right now. The apprehension of hoping they don’t nerf it sucks. A lot.

slightly less excited than i was for warlords of draenor(man that was a let down), but more excited than I was for legion(didn’t even finish levelling to max in legion). That said I probably won’t be even trying to play shadowlands for the first few months/years if I can help it, I learnt my lesson.

spreads arms really wide

I’m this excited :laughing:


New expansions always get me hyped, no matter how much I try to avoid it. It’s hard not to when I’ve been playing this game for so long. My excitement for the last three expansions are pretty wildly different:

Legion - 7/10
BfA - 2/10
Shadowlands - 9/10

Personally I just love new art. And while I still dislike borrowed power, I do like the concept they’re attempting here. I don’t have faith they’ll pull it off, but I’m excited to dive into new lore. The last time Blizzard did a more original expansion was my favorite expansion of WoW’s life, so that gives me some hope.

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On a scale from turnup to pumpkin I would say I am about a rutabaga and a half.


Not at all. I am dreading it due to the implimenation of universal scaling.

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Honestly? Not very.

I’m very wary of the expansion. There’s so much that shows so much promise but it all hangs by a thread.


No faith in classes not being broken and worried about the likelihood of things being able to be capitalized by people at the start allowing them a good leg up on flawed design before blizzard fixes stuff (again mostly class related).

They would rather put out a product than a good-enough one and don’t care about how people will view it on the first impression. That is where bfa failed big time. Bfa stagnated with bad class design, limitation of game systems with heavy RNG, and nothing to do during November and December (all that dead time in 8.1 before BoD).

Covenants and soul binds/conduits worry me from a mechanical standpoint.

But other than that I like everything I have seen so far.

Category Score
Mechanics 1/10
Classes 3/10
Story 5/10
Art 9/10
Pathfinder 0/10
Leaving BFA 9/10

Would I recommend this to another person: Not on your life… I’d recommend any other game first.


Eh, 8/10 as with every expansion. I give Blizzard the benefit of the doubt, never set the bar to high, and see how things go. The first raid will be an indicator for me, such was Uldir.

Eh, about 2-3/10 excited. While I like being able to try some new things out, see new content, do more with my friends and such I cannot say I am hyped for it.

Nothing negative or even positive as I have yet to experience it yet, can only assume based off what I have seen and heard.

I am worried actually. Hearing the is nothing really to do at the Maw zone, and too much emphasis on Thorgast. I would be ok if the release got delayed. Excited about some class changes and the covenant.

Going to be honest here, I constantly forget there’s even an AoE cap in Shadowands.

Probably because my class has been AoE capped for 4 years now.