Ive been avoiding arcane in remix since its a complex spec but im tryint to prepare myself for fire and i cant get the hang of it.
And i know remix is the worst for learning a spec since everything dies so fast but still.
Since everyone talked about how fun fire is in tww i thought id give it a go but im overwhelmed with every guide i see and the rotation. I dont mind the cast while this is casting since i actually enjoy it but every time i read a “before this hits cast this and before it lands press this” bugs me.
Maybe my keybinds are off since i dont know where i should put fire blast and when to cast scorch or fireball.
Every gameplay video ive seen makes it look fun with a ton of movement jumping (something i do all the time on all my chars while fighting anyways) and instant casts
Is the df fire mage more complex then the new rework?
Any videos that oversimplify the spec so i can get a grasp of it before learning the specifics? Rn all i do is combust and fire blast for instant pyros.
Just for background i have mostly played surivial hunter, enhance, balance, disc, and ret.
This would be my first real caster.
Icy Veins has an “Easy Mode” which just covers the core rotation.
The absolute core to the spec regardless of your builds is Fire Ball, Pyro Blast, Fire Blast, Pheonix Flames and Combustion.
The simplistic way to describe the rotation is that you’re fishing for critical strikes with Fire Ball. Once you get a Crit, your screen will light up with a “Heating Up” visual. You need to score another Crit while you have Heating Up active to turn it into an instant cast Pyroblast.
A guaranteed way to convert your Heating Up’s into instant Pyros is Fire Blast or Phoenix Flames, as they always crit.
An important thing to note about Fire Blast is that you can cast it while casting other spells.
So you cast Fire Ball. You then cast Fire Ball again. While you’re in the middle of that 2nd Fire Ball, the 1st Fire Ball strikes and crits. You can immediately press Fire Blast to turn that crit into a Pyro Blast. You finish casting the 2nd Fire Ball and immediately press Pyro Blast. The 2nd Fire Ball and 1st Pyro Blast could both crit immediately granting you an extra Pyro Blast.
So in quick succession it could be something like Fire Ball → Fire Ball (Fire Blast mid cast) → Pyro Blast → Pyro Blast
And that’s the core gameplay loop. Fishing for crits and consuming instant Pyros.
Combustion simply makes this loop faster because your Fire Balls will always crit too. And you should Combustion when you have plenty of Pheonix Flames and Fire Blasts.
Fire Blast is a high priority spell you’ll be pressing frequently.
Fire Ball is your filler and spell you’ll be casting if you’re not doing Pyro Blasts or Combust Window.
Scorch is when the target is below 30% HP or you’re doing a lot of movement. Scorch replaces Fire Ball below 30%.
It’s been a while since I’ve actually played Fire, but that core gameplay loop remains the same. It can get complicated with things like Sun Kings Blessing and a bunch of extra spells and CDs. But that will come with practice.
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Thank you! U helped me realize one of my big mistakes of casting only.one fireball before fire blast. Ill give it another go when i get online ur help was tremendous
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Answer as to whether it’s easy is probably yes and no lol. Deceptively easy conceptually (probably second fewest number of core rotational buttons after BM hunter) but a lot to keep track of and heavily weakaura dependent. You have to get the Combustion rotation down (again deceptively simple, alternate instants and Pyros/Flamestrikes at a base level in a vacuum) and work your way out from there. All of your damage is in Combustion/Sun King’s Blessing windows, and everything outside of those windows is trying to balance using resources to get back into them (via SKB stacks and CDR) while saving the same resources for when you’re back inside them. That balance makes or breaks your damage.
Gal above had the core down, and talents and buffs do complicate things. Highly recommend the Fire page on Mage Hub. Explains how e.g. Ignite works (more complicated than it would seem) and how switching targets can really screw you, how to manipulate spell delays to squeeze in extra pyros, etc. All the seemingly small ways of squeezing in damage completely add up, which is also why it’s one of the specs that does pretty terribly when things die quickly.