How does your head canon understand Disc Priest?

Boom explosions and healing sinners

In my head disc priests are djs that work for church

That makes one of us.

Well, since General Discussion always tells us that Light + Shadow = Explosion, then Disc Priests are constantly exploding. That’s all there is to it!

Shh. Don’t tell people the secret to the Stormwind and Orgrimmar Fireworks.


Idk, last time I played Disc priest was back in WotLK and Cata. Back then basically all you had to do was bubble. Once they changed it to like, whatever it is now, I lost interest

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Light in one hand, Darkness in the other. mix and watch the magic happen.

Honestly though I kind of personally miss the shield aspect of Discipline. Like way back in the WoW of Yesteryear they were primarily a specialization that focused on empowering their shield spells. Preventing damage then just mending it.


As is the Sun. Ipso facto, explosions = Light

something something christian girl saving herself until marriage but finding a loophole that enables her to go halfway there to satisfy her peers

Honestly, I hate the explanation they have given for Light and Shadow since they themselves don’t even follow it.

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Honestly thats so much of this game. As a Shaman, i still want an explanation about how our powers work. A consistent one.

Supposedly a proper Shaman asks elemental spirits to help them. Their casts being labeled “Calls” A Shaman that attempts to force their will risks losing his powers. Which I guess leads to Dark Shaman who enslave the Elemental spirits.

Grey Jedi.

This is the sometimes explanation, but Thrall lost his powers because he was in his own head. So we cant apply that to all shaman. And the origin of the Draenei relationship was some kind of deal-making event. So if the elements are going up to strangers, why do they care how the powers are used.

Another explanation is that Shaman were mediators between warring elements.

Well like you said, Thrall was in his own Head. Probably convinced himself he wasn’t worthy and the Elements decided well if that’s how he feels.

Basically Shamans are spiritual leaders who call upon elemental spirits to get things done. Whether the elements respond is up to them but seeing as it’s a game they will always respond because they probably have nothing better to do.

“It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again” is what i think they were going for.

See i dont think the Elements work that way. Theyre not the ever judging god of Catholicism. They don’t have that track record.

That said, Guldan lost his connection to the elements because he increasingly embraced Fel. But we dont know How we know that and its not clear if thats true.

Which is why im saying we deserve a coherent explanation.

I never implied they judged Thrall though. I said that he believed himself unworthy and the elements listened. As for Gul’dan even the Elementals knew fel was bad juju.

You know, I just realized I’m trying to make sense of something that Blizzard themselves don’t even care about. Always been about gameplay first. Story… distant third? Anyway they operate only on the “rule of cool” so we get things like Void elves (because who doesn’t like edgy elves) and then things like Void elf Paladins.

They don’t care about their world why should I?

You’re thinking in terms of 0 to 1. It’s actually -1 to 1. Void magic is the opposite of holy magic, not the zero of it. Kind of like gravity(pull) vs antigravity(push) canceling each other out if you have equal magnitude amounts of it.

Discipline is practice of being able to breathe in(holy) and out(void) and maintain a balance between the two opposites.

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They don’t look outright scary like a shadow priest. But they might be sus. I kind of see them as (at worst) being like Father Hughes from Peaky Blinders. He makes Tommy (the main character) do Penance when he’s almost dead from Hughes’ goons beating him down. I guess that’s what you get when you try to gank the healer.