How does your guild handle who sits for raids?

I’m wondering how guilds in Classic are handing choosing who sits for raids? I’m the recruitment officer for my guild and we’re currently over recruiting a bit - with the holidays and Shadownlands coming we expect to have people quitting or unavailable (or just sick of raiding the current content).

Prior to this we kept a pretty tight roster and only recruited as we lost people. But we want to be fully ready when Naxx comes out (whether it turns out to be as easy as everything else, or more of a challenge).

For those of you that have to sit people on a regular basis (let’s assume no one volunteers), how are you handling it? Is it based on EPGP/DKP? Attendance? Performance? Seniority? Does everyone take a turn? Are you tracking who sits and when to keep it fair? How do your members feel about the way you handle it?

Thanks for the input

We just go by volunteers and then who doesn’t need loot on a boss by boss basis.


Did you ask the people in guild? Probably better to get their input than ours. Unless you are afraid you are going to cause drama over conflicting ideas. But if that was going to cause drama, it would anyway when you implement whatever plan you go with.

Random to sit but still get dkp. Have to still be around if we lose people for any reason. If you don’t respond when that happens, no dkp accrual. Mandatory players like MT don’t get to sit.

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It’s being discussed among the officers and class leads. Right now I just want to get a feel for what is working with other guilds.

We have alts that we rotate in. Having two groups full clearing helps as well.

Just making sure, sometimes people forget to ask those that are most affected. Come up with a great plan. And everyone affected hates it.

Every guild is different, but one thing I’ve seen in every guild I’ve been in, is there are almost always volunteers to sit.

Next it’s usually by sign up order or raid comp. Make sure you have enough healers and what not.

We’re looking to do the most fair thing and what is best for the raid. I’ve been in guilds that never did the sits fairly and the inner circle people never sat. It was incredibly unfair and demoralizing if you weren’t someone sucking up to officers.

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We try to not recruit for the bench. We supplement from casuals if a main raider can’t attend.


volunteers > late to start time > raid comp > guild rank seniority > roll

We’ve never gotten to the point where we need folks to roll for bench

To clarify, we aren’t recruiting people for the bench - we’re recruiting them to raid with us. But realistically you need more than 40 people in the guild to raid.

The Difficulty of Recruiting during Naxx is the Warrior, Priest and sometimes (horde) Shaman Poaching that will happen.

In terms of sitting people it becomes a roster thing more than anything as you probably wont be sitting any Warriors, Priests, Mages, Shamans and maybe Rogues. Hope that this doesn’t become a favoritism issue as Druids, Hunters, Warlocks will become sat out of necessity if it comes down to it.

Just the nature of the game. This lock was my main till we realized that we only really need 2 locks In our raid comps. Now i main a warrior and bring this guy in to fill slots when needed.

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noooooooooooo!! I’m a hunter!

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yeah its nothing against the players its just Naxx design, Classic Design and Class Design. without knowing your roster.

Imagine you have 7 Warriors 6 Priests and 3 Druids, without knowing there spec. If your going to go Military Wing there is virtually nothing those 7 Warriors and 6 priests could do that would get them sat.

This becomes a specific Naxx issue, and if you have a fairly large bench that has any geared Warriors, Priests and Mages sitting on it, the likely hood is your going to lose them fairly quickly unless your a very very tight knit guild of friends.

Hopefully it wont be as bad this time around since there are so many more AQ geared “must have” classes in the player pool now than comparatively in vanilla.
Either way specifically for Naxx there is really no such thing as having a geared Warrior,Priest,Mage on the bench.

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Are you a world first speed running guild? No? Didn’t think so.

You can bring 3 locks to a raid, it’s not going to result in much slower clear times. What is with it and peoples mindset in classic? You’re not hurting the raid by having 3 locks. Saying it’s the nature of the game is beyond pathetic if you’re not at least pushing top 10 for speed running in the world.

With the gear in aq we realized we can bring 3 and tossed a shadow priest in the mix. Guilds who don’t prime the big tbc specs will be sucking when it goes live. Imagine having 60% of your raiding force being warriors trying to fit into one or two spots.

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You are hurting the raid though, what does the third lock bring over just another DPS war or rogue in that slot? nothing.

If your guild is downing the bosses you are not hurting the raid, unless your guild is trying for parses or something.

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