How Does this realm compare to mg and wra?

Mg is known for its licentiousness and massive pop, wra is known for lore abiding rp and it’s horde side, what is emerald dream like?

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Mostly i think for world RP-PvP. Its why I came here originally.

Unlike WRa wr prefer more militaristic RP, less sexual RP, and a healthy dose of purging the server of non ED players who step foot onto our server via cross realm groups.

The Dwarves. Every time I poke my head into ED it’s just Dwarves. It reeks of ale and beard hair…

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What’s your RP backstory?

Do you poke your head here on tuesdays? (Dwarves bierta and baast hold barnight that day) might explain why :grinning:

Do you like killing people?

It starts with rp, ends with pvp, and leaves out the garbage from either of the other two realms.

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Server is dead, everyone that matters is going grobbulus. Bandit Lounge #1

cringe dot net

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You have the personality of room-temperature water.

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The answer is simple, like your awesome character name:

Emerald Dream is the WPvP realm.

Good faction balance and everything (bigger Horde I believe).
PvP ganking trolls fighting alongside Always in-character RPers for the love of the game. Pretty active twitter presence as well, if that’s your thing.

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“Boomstickler” here. Changed my name so I get a whole new forums profile for some reason. Also wanted to say that if you’re not into WPvP Im sure thats fine too I just have no personal experience there.

To me, it’s Ye Ole GTA Online

I am so triggered rn like I did a double take at my screen and everything.

You’re a nerd. Like TOO much of a nerd.

And I’m a loser for caring damn that was a good post.