HOW does this affect alliance?!

Why not both?

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Let me just run into the alliance tower, LoS all the archers with the walls and cap it without killing a single archer. Oh wait, it’s the horde towers you can do that in. That’s one example of your ignorance. I’m not going to waste my time telling you the others because you won’t listen. Your to busy being the victim in your mind.

How full of yourself are you? LOL. You can literally run 2 short flight of stairs, step slightly to the side of the flag and cap it without killing a single mob, while not being seen from the ground level. Alliance have to run up technically 4 flights of stairs, while also fighting 2 tiers of mobs. Not only that, the mob to the left of the horde flag room door, can HIT YOU THROUGH THE WALL with melee attacks. Please stop posting, you are clueless.

And? People that ques for quick losses to get their points and then move on…. Still have fast ques?

This doesn’t invalidate their choice selection.

WTF? English or bust buddy. Or are you trying to introduce some random thought by accident?

If only you could stand closer to the flag so your not in melee range. Oh wait…

Pretty much because all of the players who care about PvP rolled horde.

Then did a surprised pikachu face when their queue was long and cried to Blizzard until they “fixed” it but making sure the small amount of alliance remaining evaporate to Pagle.

It is what it is though, it’s common for players to want to congregate all on the same side. We already saw this happen in retail and it’s just accelerated in classic.

Many Players WANT to be on the dominant and winning side.

Literally every comment you make is such dog poop. I broke this down in a reply to you earlier today. I, a long term Horde player, chose Alliance ONLY for the short queue back in Classic. I did my Grand Marshal grind. I made friends here. I was having a good time until everyone faction transferred. People mass-flocked to Horde for the better racials (which, TBH, unless you’re in the top 0.5% of PvPers it really doesn’t make that much of a difference) and therefore suffered overpopulation issues that caused the long PvP queue times. Like this is really not difficult to put the two-and-two together here. Furthermore, it affects more than PvP communities. It’s going to additionally negatively affect your PvP server health by having such a huge tipping favor of the Horde.

So, yes, technically the Horde did create this problem. On the flip side, I don’t think you should be waiting in an hour queue. I think Blizzard should fix the imbalance issue by giving an incentive to play Alliance in some way to help restore some sort of healthy balance.

OP has clearly never tried levelling Alliance.

It’s weird, when the Horde are outnumbering the Alliance and slaughtering daily do they just conveniently forget this fact?

Do you think Horde ever stop to think about the fact Alliance never gets to use a summoning stone or have to deal with multiple corpse runs anytime they try to enter a dungeon?

No, these morons only see their own small insignificant problems, they come here about their queues and how badly inconvenienced they are only to log back in the game and go around making the game unplayable to ally.

Hypocrite, low iq hypocrites that only ever consider things from their own perspective, bullies that can only empathise with their own problems and think everyone else should get stuffed.

The funny thing is you Horde players have had instant queues for one day and already half the Horde players are afking for marks same as Alliance did with instant queues.

Join any Horde BG right now and unless you’re with a premade you’ll have a bunch of horde whiners telling you to just afk because “we can’t beat the premades”.

You’re so blind you can’t even realise when you have instant queues people care less about outcome since they get honor either way, and when you have long queues you are highly incentivised to make that game count.

Not to mention Horde are already win trading with the new Horde Vs Horde battleground feature so really so really who is more pathetic here?
The faction that afks for avoid PvP for the faction that afks and also win trades against themselves to avoid PvP?

I knew the second Horde got what they wanted they would move on to whining about something else, and already Horde are crying that Premade vs Premade is unfair and blizz needs to fix it, there is no end to satisfying you retail babies that demand every inconvenience be removed.

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has it crossed your ape brain that maybe people who LIKE alliance wont be able to PLAY alliance once every single person rerolls horde?

weve seen it on every classic server that tips too far out of balance. What starts as an inconvenience at summon stones / quest locations turns into an all out exodus once theres not enought people to form groups / raid / or even arena teams.

sorry your queue’s are long but i promise you wont give a single f**k once more and more people abandon their alliance toons cause they dont have a community to play with.

So yes, people should be able to PLAY the faction they LIKE, which is why this is a bad change. Soon, I wont get to PLAY the i LIKE becuase of people like YOU

I realized this issue with fast ques long ago. This is why I’ve been trying to tell the alliance since classic, the map in AV wasn’t the problem causing the 99% loss rate.

Fast que= people don’t care about each individual BG. It’s why pug alliance have had such a hard time vs horde when horde had long ques.

"Yes, every new player to TBCC and every new alt made on TBCC will be Horde, yes it will accelerate a snowball effect until your faction is basically dead and has 1/10th the amount of people to do non-PvP content with, yes you will never control world objectives or kill world bosses, yes you will not get to use summoning stones, yes you will be essentially forced to paid transfer to PvE or reroll Horde.

But OTHER THAN THAT, how does it EVEN AFFECT YOU? Bunch of crybabies if you ask me!"


It’s just funny when people bring up “this will hurt the health of the game in the long term” and the response is “it’s been 3 days and everything is fine!”

It’s really just not worth trying to convince some people who have this mental block to reading or understanding what a “long term issue” means. Some people here have gone beyond deaf ears and have achieved the form of brick walls.


It’s hard to reason with people who are consumed by an emotional response. This change has no impact on your experience. Players who would be sitting in a queue now fight each other. That’s it. Alliance bgs won’t even notice. And if the only reason people were playing Alliance was because Horde had long queue times…I don’t buy it. A few, but not a lot.

But even going by your argument…how can people be upset by this? Players wanted to play Horde but had to go Alliance because of the queues. Now they can play the faction they actually want to play…and you say that’s a bad thing? There truly is no pleasing some people.

This is a side effect of instant queue. They also give up easy and yell at people that actually try complaining it is wasting their time because they just want the mark and to get the next instant queue. The horde will soon realize this.

Yeah I can totally just go horde now. No worries man lets reroll a month into the xpac after the season has already started onto a faction where I have zero gold for boosting up, my 58 boost is used and everything pre 60 is dead content so the only way to even level is slowly quest.

Golly thanks Blizz for graciously removing the only reason people played my faction. Now the games so much better for me!

who do you think alliance battlegrounds against? So the ability of that faction as an average to aquire honor going from appropriately population based bottleneck to deepwater horizon exploding does not relate to alliance at all? Gee I cant possibly imagine that all of the horde being able to gear up a pace that does not match the limitation of the faction would have any impact whatsoever on the alliance who battleground against them.

Team H is playing against another Team H, you dummy.

Your queue didn’t change too much you can still play the game. Just let us play the game too and quit crying.

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