HOW does this affect alliance?!


HOW does me being able to compete in arenas this season (since previously there was no way i could farm pvp gear with 1 hour and half queues) AFFECTS ALLIANCE GAMEPLAY?!

and WHY should i have a worst experience of the game jsut because you chose a faction with lower queues?


we should move every horde who makes one of these posts to heartseeker for a month or so and see how they feel afterwards


Lets say you have 2 teams. Team A and Team H. They both have same queue times but Team H wins Way more. What team will you choose?


It will effect the overall population of the Alliance. There will be existing alliance players that reroll horde and new players will gravitate to the horde in even larger numbers than before. Because there is literally no downside to selecting horde.

This lower population will negatively effect alliance players in other areas. PvE will suffer because of an even smaller pool to recruit from. Areas like the auction house will suffer because there will be even less players on the Alliance than before.

Let’s be honest, if the Alliance cared at all about the PvP mini game, the situation would have never happened that required Blizzard to make this change. So saying that alliance players are just upset that horde players have shorter queue times just isn’t correct. The vast majority of the Alliance population doesn’t play or even care about PvP.


so you think that due to faction inbalance, something that always existed and is part of the game, i should be unable to play a part of the game that i enjoy (pvp) ?

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queues have always been part of the horde game


eyt another nonsense explanation…so, losing has exclusively to do with player ability and/or premades, wich you can make your own…and because you are under the impression that Horde jsut innately wins for whatever reason we should have long queues and therefore be bared form playing arenas?

THIS makes sense to you? ebcause you and/or other player you play with are bad and dont care to get betetr at a 15 year old game, I have to not be able to play part of the game…yet pay the same as you?

if mcdonalds has a queue of 1000 people and burger king has a queue of 0, should i go to burger king or should i go to mcdonalds and complain about the queue? does it make sense i should be punished for choosing mcdonalds?


it effects alliance because long que times were the only drawback to playing horde.

thats a lame excuse that you cant arena just becuase you dont have as many honor points. of course you can sill arena.

your also overlooking that horde almost always have the world buffs, which makes PVE leveling faster, which means eventually get raid items and rep items faster as well as spirit shard items (gems / gear) plus Hala starter pvp gear.


Because people will always choose the winning side/Meta. Must be your first time playing video games.


Its been explained ad nauseam. If you’re not smart enough to figure it out yourself, try one of the 999 threads


I’m just happy not to be seeing anymore booster posts…

OMG so shortsighted. This affects more than just pvp and bgs. Now you have horde with instant queue, best racials in both pvp and pve. What faction do you think new players will pick? What faction do you think minmaxers will pick? What faction do you think people that want to both pvp and pve will pick? There is literally no downside to playing horde and many playing alliance. This will shift an already existing population balance towards horde affecting pve since there will be less player pool to form groups and open world since it will be even more saturated with horde. After this change you will easily see a demographic shift towards horde in most pvp servers in the next couple of weeks when people finish rerolling to horde and ally left will be forced to transfer to a pve server probably.
Good luck in you pseudo pvp server which will be basically a pve server since there will be no more alliance there.


Starting to think a large chunk of Horde players lack the ability to analyze a situation and draw conclusions from it. Guess that explains how you all ended up causing a situation where you sat in hour long queues to begin with.


Horde posting on their lowbie lvl (RETAIL ALLIANCE LMAO!!) alts is smol pp energy

it doesn’t
the seethe is coming from pure spite and their own perception of being the underdogs for pvp (they’re not)

after the bg weekend ends i fully implore going out and ganking them relentlessly just in case they are one of these soyboy redditers screeching about horde being able to play the game

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We sat hour long queues because your faction is filled with a diseased underdog mentality where you give up and demand blizzard save you from the evil horde menace who have conquered your server

alliance lost the world of WARcraft, now seethe while I enter my instant BG lol!

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You could of gone and played retail, there’s loads more QoL changes over there that you’d appreciate. And then you wouldn’t have to cry and ruin the game!

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LMAO you sat in hour long queue because everyone that actually wanted to pvp was going horde for racials. Its not that allaince has underdog mentality its actually the horde player that went horde because of racials that think alliance racials suck in pvp and thats why horde has such a problem with pvp queue… its not really that hard to understand.


extremely hard to read your run on sentence, maybe reformat and punctuate while i collect my honor from this instant BG.

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