How does the math work for Blood Spattered Scale?

I’m trying to figure out how Blood Spattered Scale scales (so to speak). I mostly want to know about the specific math that goes into the shield, but am also mildly curious about the damage, since someone told me that the damage it does scales with versatility but didn’t give me a source on that.

I already have a 220 scale (wowhead won’t let me link the 220 version for some reason, but here is 221: Blood Spattered Scale), and the vault this week is offering me a 226 (Blood Spattered Scale). But another vault option is a great 226 ring Bloodoath Signet, and that would replace one of my 213 rings, which would obviously be a bigger ilvl jump. A couple of people I’ve talked to said I should definitely go with the scale even though it’s a smaller ilvl upgrade, but the ring has more stam too, so I’m undecided at the moment, and figured I’d ask here to see what people think.

I’ve cleared all of heroic Nathria and don’t really do mythic raiding at the moment, so my main interest is in running mythic plusses, just to be clear what I’d be using whichever upgrade I get. Any input would be appreciated.

I really can’t help you with the mathematical specifics, but in general upgrading a powerful trinket like that will be substantially preferable to something like a ring that only offers a pure stat bonus.

The vers scaling is in the wowhead link you gave.

But the bottom part saying increased for each enemy struck up to 5 – I think this means it scale by sqrt(n)

Oh wow, I don’t know how I missed that in the wowhead link. Thanks for the sqrt(n) bit. That’s exactly what I was looking for.

I’m not SURE that’s how it works but it should be testable on target dummies.