How does queueing as a tank work in BGs?

If I queue as Tank/DPS on a druid, for example, can I swap between DPS or tank in the lobby? I don’t want to tank unless it’s a CTF map - is there flexibility with this?

Edit: Clarification, I mean Blitz

I think you can swap before the gates open.

If I’m wrong, you’ll find out in the first game.


In Blitz? Or normal BGs?

Battleground Blitz

Oh, I thought you meant normal bgs.

My bad.

At one point you could switch to DPS as tank, but I am pretty sure that is fixed. You queue as tank you play tank. Feel feel to test it out though.

You can’t change, whatever you get locked in with, that is the Spec you are playing. Even if I queue dps, I wouldn’t be able to switch from Unholy to Frost ect… If I queued as Blood, then thats it as well because it seems to lock in the role and spec when you queue up and what the match assigns you is what you get.

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