How does M+ Loot work?

Can someone explain how the loot system works in M+?

I have no clue how it works, but one thing I’ve noticed is when I see 3 people in the group get loot, i can safely assume the 2 people that have not looted the chest are going to get nothing.

Is there just a cap on how many items can drop?

It’s just kind of discouraging to know you aren’t getting anything even before you loot the chest. Although it’s entirely possible I just have terrible rng? :thinking: I don’t know


Don’t quote me on this, I believe it’s 2 items for untimed and 3 for timed?

Also one is usually a higher ilvl?

I’m not 100% but I think that’s how it goes, I haven’t paid attention to the loot drops in many many runs :joy:


Yeah I don’t usually pay attention but I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen more than 3 items drop

+15 keys and bellow , you have 2 loots , when you start doing +15+ keys , you can loot 3 pieces

i think when you do +16 key , you have 2 loot +20 % of chance for 1 more piece

+17 2 + 40% chance 1 more

40% chance per completed dungeon (2 out of 5 people)

Non times runs still drop 2, but 1 piece is lowered in ilvl

A lot of the times you see an extra item drop, it’s a conduit

I may be wrong and it may be 3 for times, and 2 for non timed. I haven’t paid much attention honestly

Everyone gets anima. Two people get a piece of gear. Keys above 15 give you a shot at a third person getting a piece of gear.

Mounts, conduits, pets, cosmetics like the flower crown from Mists are all separate. Legendary memories are separate. Crafting recipes (DOS only I think?) are separate.

Finally, anyone who hasn’t gotten a keystone this week gets one.


Basically you run 10 M+ a week and you get 3 random choices of gear and get to choose 1. That piece of gear being useful to you however is slim to none.

The stuff that drops at the end of a dungeon is just bait.

M+ loot does not work. ime, vault is okay the first few weeks of a new patch simply because the ilvl jump makes getting upgrades possible. After that, le poop.

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everyone is literally giving different answers here lol. Where am I

This seems like the right answer.

Definitive answer:
2 items drop for the party, ilvl determined by key (can link chart if you want).
On keys over 15 (max ilvl reward), +40% chance for an extra item per key level (can go past 100%, so a 20 will always drop 4 items).
If you miss the timer, 1 item will be 1 M+ rank lower than the other (selected at random).
Legendary memories, conduits, pets, cosmetics, and anima are all bonus drops, do not count against loot.
it will look at your best, 4th best, and 10th best key of the week to determine the ilvl.
If you do not finish 4 or 10 keys in a week, it will not give you the rewards in those slots.
It pulls from the entire M+ loot table for your spec ~90 items for most specs/classes.
There is no way to increase your odds of getting a certain item.
Vault ilvls have a different (higher) scale than end of dungeon drops, can go over valor cap (current vault cap is 252 for +15 or higher)
You can only pick 1 item from the vault, doesn’t matter which of the 9 slots it’s from. only 1
All end of dungeon drops and vault items below the current valor cap (246 for S2) can be upgraded with valor.
Cost only depends on what slot it’s in, not what level you’re bumping it to.


Thanks for explaining guys

So once I see 2-3 people loot an item (because I don’t do +20 keys) I can just assume the others aren’t getting anything.

That’s a pretty discouraging system tbh

Oh well, guess I’ll just try to loot first to avoid the disappointment :sweat_smile:🥲

I’ve done over a hundred dungeons and I had no idea…wow. So does +2 or +3’ing a dungeon not do anything in regards to the loot?

this website is a great quick guide on m+

It used to, but that got changed in 7.3. It used to be that if you timed the key you got a chest with 2 items in it, and if you +2 (2chest) or +3 (3chest), you’d get 2 or 3 chests, each with 2 items in it. Now going faster just lets you skip key levels (from 10 to 12 as an example).

M+ is horrible and annoying. A lot of work for no reward. On top of that you can’t even spend your valor because your score isn’t high enough. Makes no sense. I have 8k valor just wasting away. And to add more THE ONLY ITEMS TO EVER DROP in m+ for me is the same pathetic useless items over and over. Rings. Belts or bracers…… literally over and over. This past week I’ve gotten 4-5 belts…………… just pisses me off.