How does hunter compare to paladin in pvp?

Mainly ret pally vs. marksman? Trying to start a new character and don’t know which to pick, I like both but only got time for one

They are alike in their ability to deal a massive amount of damage with little effort. Paladins have a bit more utility (self-healing, defensives, auras, etc.), while Hunters have more mobility abilities.


  • Thematically different
  • Different ranges
  • Different gameplay (As a Hunter, you want to maintain maximum distance, while as a Paladin, you prefer to maintain close distance).
  • Hunter has pet management while Pally don’t.

They have practically the same damage potential, solo stuff and so on. What will determine your preference is whether you prefer long distance or short distance (and pets).

And you also have to consider what type of PvP you want.
Battlegrounds and World PvP? Hunter.
Arenas? Paladin

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Ret will be way easier for you.

Hunter takes more skill or you just get exploded on.

Melee in general are just face roll. you just hit whatever button lights up.

You’ll get run over as a Hunter, we’ve got some of the worst defensives out of all classes, at least until next expansion.

We are basically glass cannons.

You’ll have to practice kiting melee with all their gap-closers, use your traps, conc shot, all of your tools will be needed.

You’ll also have to spam Feign Death, as it reduces damage by 90% for a few seconds, PvP talent. Use it when big damage is coming, that you cannot otherwise avoid.

Turtle is basically a “kill me” button and you’re dead meat when it’s over lol. Also can’t attack during it.

It’s sink or swim.

Melee is generally easier- press W, stay on target, throw a stun at the healer, go back to your primary target and zug zug.

Just don’t line-of-sight your healers.

Paladins weigh more.
Hunters are kinda smelly with all that leather they wear.

For arenas i think ret is way better in x2, x3 and solo shuffle.
In SS as mm youll problably always be the target

In random bgs enviroment MM is far easier for obvious reasons

Depends on the content you wanna focus

I play both a lot. I would say, MM hunter is better solo in random BGs, because you can shoot and cc from afar and you are hyper mobile. But it’s not as fun in arena imo.

Ret is more versatile if you want to do all PvP including arena. It’s also more beneficial if you play with friends because you can support them.

Both are pretty good though, if you just want to play some BGs.

Mail. They wear mail. And body parts of monsters they killed.

I think that it will be on the skill of the player far more than the class chosen. Those pvp guys have macros and they jump a lot. I’m always amused in the LFR when I see one player jumping a lot and dropping traps or snares as if it were a reflex.