How does everyone like new resto?

Shame we lost adaptive swarm but any new positives yall have enjoyed?

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I want my Convoke in Boomkin form back, I don’t want to be forced to kitty DPS between heals.


It feels like druids were re-written by someone that doesn’t play the classes. So far I find WoW today depressing.


had a blast last week and this week it feels like they just took things away from me for no good reason. just makes me not want to play :thinking: Edit: forgot a word :[


and yeah - just did mogushan in remix - 476 druid in resto form. Non-70s are getting smashed in there. I actually needed to heal. I kept smashing my usual adaptive swarm button until I realized it was gone … I don’t even understand a “need” for this change. If the answer is going to be “oh, you can level up to get it with hero talents” or something then they just don’t get it. Buy an expac and work to level up, so you can be where you were a month ago? Yet we just do it.

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feels empty, and boring…not having adaptive swarm really does not feel good.


I been saying this and more since the removal of Moonkin Form for Resto on the Beta.

I despise “Kittyweaving” yet it’s essentially the only way now to dps decently as Resto. So instead of 2 dps styles we now are dumbed down to really only one effective way.

Then you get Wildstalker which essentially doubles down on Kittyweaving, and naturally you’d think Keeper of the Grove would cater to “Owlweaving”, but no, both really Kittyweave.

Even in Beta Testing my dps is far better Kittyweaving, especially in Wildstalker, but even in Keeper of the Grove then just casting regular spells.

I like to be a caster through and through, which Moonkin Form allowed me too.

R.I.P Owlweaving, gone but not forgotten

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You are going to catweave and like it …we dont care.

Signed Blizzard


It feels pretty bad compared to Dragonflight imo. I really do not like the heart of the wild changes and having to track the 1 minute cd passive nor do I like the fluid form hotkey overhead.

It also feels like they want us using rejuvenation more in M+ yet the talent tree is designed in a way to where it is very difficult to take germination and the mana cost of rejuvenation still feels too high.


Just tried out kitty weaving for the first time with fluid form…it’s nice, to be honest.


Have u healed with monk? It reminds me of it.

How so?

Setting buffs on ppl and than doing melee dps to heal.

I have played mistweaver and definitely remember the whole “attack to heal” part but not really settings buffs on people.

And I don’t really see the whole “attack to heal” thing for resto druid unless Heart of the Wild is up.

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I don’t like flourish being on the choice node … because we basically lose flourish, just why.


is there even a button that feels good to press anymore for resto? spec is pretty destroyed with no real options…no flourish, adaptive swarm, tranq is situational, and even then, i wouldn’t call tranquility a feel good button…

maybe they think we just want to spam regrowth and rejuv, and that puts the class on the same level as what holy paladin and pres evoker get.

“blizzard quality”…year right.

bad. horrible. bad. :100: :100: :100: :100:

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Few days in, I guess if anything, now I don’t DPS in current LFR so I just watch movies while clicking boxes to heal. Is that a positive? :person_shrugging: I don’t want to catweave :person_gesturing_no:


I feel like half the healer I was a week ago. Nothing about it feels good. I was excited for fluid form, but now that I’ve actually seen it in play I dunno it still just feels awkward, because now you need to somehow find bar space for your cat abilities in resto.

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I feel like the new Resto Druid moving into TWW actually is more of an empty shell of its former self, we lost more then gained and overall in a worse state.

I enjoyed Moonkin Form or Owlweaving, I absolutely hate Kittyweaving and refuse to do so, I enjoyed Adaptive Swarm which is now removed, in actual fact a lot of what I enjoyed is now simply removed for the sake of it it seems.

It could be just me, but losing a lot of what I enjoyed about the spec has really hit me and now my excitement for TWW is actually at its lowest.

I keep telling myself things will change/get better but clearly theirs zero intention of this happening.

Our class and spec tree to me has gotten worse, losing Moonkin Form hit me below the belt aswell with adaptive swarm which honestly I have zero idea why they removed both.

I don’t know, I’m at a stage where I’m like maybe I should main something else, Balance isn’t doing too good either so I’m out of options, either play Druid a class I love but hate what it’s become or just main an alt hoping one day things will change for Druid.

R.I.P Owlweaving, Gone but not forgotten


So far I’m cautiously optimistic.

I’d say that the one thing that I really don’t like was the Verdant Infusion nerf. I know most used Flourish, but I used Verdant Infusion and loved it. It’s still nice, but the shorter extension time means having to refresh those HoTs a lot more often. At least I’m not feeling the effects of the Flourish loss, since I didn’t use it. I just wish I could use the new Prosperity talent without giving up Verdant Infusion, as the two would be quite a combo.

I dodged the Adaptive Swarm removal also since I stopped using that a while ago. I liked it, but getting rid of it saved me a GCD and was also one less HoT to keep track of. I put the points into Harmonious Blooming instead.

I like Thriving Vegetation. It’s really refreshing to have a front-loaded component to Rejuvenation now, and makes each one feel almost like a mini instant-cast Regrowth. Not to mention the extra 6 second extension to Regrowth has been really nice so far. I’ve noticed a LOT more regrowth HoTs lingering on the raid compared to before, despite still only casting Regrowth during a clearcast proc, nature’s swiftness, and innervate.

I’m a bit bummed that they made Tiger Dash much harder to access unless you are more invested in that side of the tree. I prefer to focus on Balance off-spec talents, but I made a spec where I was able to get Tiger Dash, along with Ursine Vigor, Ursoc’s spirit, Thick Hide, and Frenzied Regeneration. That will all help when using Bear to turtle. It’s just a shame that I had to take Ironfur, because realistically I won’t ever generate enough rage while in Bear Form to ever use it.

Overall I’m doing a good bit more healing than before the pre-patch. The biggest changes in terms of numbers seem to be a lot more healing from Rejuvenation and a lot less healing from Grove Guardians, which I guess aligns with the buffs/nerfs.

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