Is AC the avenging crusader talent? I was running that for a bit. I wasn’t sure if that or might was better. The 1 min cool down felt great though.
I wanted Lightsmith to be my go to Holy spec. I like the idea of throwing armaments to buff my allies, especially since we play a class that used to be buffers and now we have like zero buffs.
Buuuut in practice, it feels insanely unimpactful. Honestly I feel like the armaments need to have been attached to HP spenders or something, something to let you use them more than 45 seconds to a minute, and on a rotation at that. It just feels…not as fun.
Yes avenging crusader. I won’t say better but definitely pretty similar HPs and easier to put out some dps while healing in pug 5 mans specifically.
Not a fan on Prot, we are already GCD stacked and LS only adds to that. I’ve been playing Templar for quite a while now.
play it like wrath holy pal or TBC pal, u spam judgement/shock/flash of light to regen hp and if u have very low crit, this build wont work for you.
you can slip in crusader strike if u are moving
- crit is the most important part of this build b/c it utilize infusion + sunwell.
(two - hand)
the melee version might drive you insane b/c 1, it requires u to have wings every less than 30sec. >:D, the only direct heal u’ll use is shock and word, and probably throw 1 big holy light when nothings happening at the moment when their hp is low.
here’s the melee version, this is a bit advance and again it requires you to have very high crit chance for that splashing heal hammer.
^ both beats semi-hardcore herald player.
and think “Laying Down Arms” and “Fear no evil and Exor” are both low value in LS tree. although fear no evil have some uses > but the other on the left is just a lil worthless b/c the reduction on time is still very small.
Thanks for the run down. My crit is pretty terrible at the moment. I don’t have much gear yet. Maybe if I can beef it up some more I will try them.
I did try another m0 with my current talent iteration and it went better. Though I can’t say if that was due to different players or the different dungeon.
With prot lightsmith is hands down better. Same dps but way way better defensively. I agree the globals suck bit what do you do…
as prot if i could spare the GCDs to use it im sure i’d enjoy it but its hard enough as it is to stop my SotR rotation or it falls off and i fold like a cheap suit.
but thats less of a problem with lightsmith and more of a problem with prot having absolutely zero room to breathe in its rotation due to SotR having half the duration of every other tank active mit and 3x the GCD windup
To echo some other sentiments- I really wanted Lightsmith to be good but it doesn’t have the throughput. I’ve tried it a few times in both hero raid and M+ and it just doesn’t compare.
Definitely not the same DPS, on big pulls you can usually keep up around the 2-2.5MIL mark on Templar, it’s way less on LS, but yes, defensively Lightsmith is way better, even if the GCD stacking is very annoying.
You can def burst bigger so I guess if you are doing easy content yeah Templar is better dps. Anything prolonged it really is about the same.
Yeah, kinda like Yoda running Templar on +12s.
For AoE, where you are doing big pulls, there is no competition, Templar + AW just deals more damage than LS + AW, it’s pointless to argue on that front.
To be fair I’ve never tested with aw. I’ll give it a go.
Love the idea. I was hoping it would be the disc priest for hpal… as it stand it’s “meh?”
I’d continue with it if the visuals were flashy and in your face but we don’t really get that either.
Lightsmith has potential but a few talents are absolutely GARBO dead-space waste of points called Valiance and Fear No Evil/Excoriation.
Valiance needs an increase of 10 seconds MINIMUM - 20 seconds PREFERED if you want to make it a genuine quality of life feature and worthy of a HERO talent.
Excoriation is such a waste don’t even get me started about how the janitorial department probably designed it. I know that’s the utiliry slot but WOOF both choices SUCK. My suggestion for them is Fear No Evil = 30% passive fear reduction while a shield is equipped and Excoriation = an extra charge of Hammer of Justice.
and SPEAKING OF QUALITY OF LIFE… Sweet tapdancing jesus who decided to leave Holy Armaments on the global cooldown. We already generate charges just by using our abilities via Divine Inspiration. There’s no reason we should have to push that button ever other than the devs hate us. FIX IT so that it feels fun. Hallelujah!! !?.. where’s the tylenol?
I like support/ buff skills so I always play Hpal as lightsmith. I combine lightsmith with blessing of summer and the 2 jewelcrafting embelishments that let you buff an allies stats and just dump loads of buffs into my party. It’s more enjoyable for me to contribute to the party in this way rather than running melee wings and having to do dps myself. If i’m playing healer I just want to heal.
SO yeah big fan of lightsmith
I would like to try an old casting style of paladin, but it seems most people absolutely despise the idea of paladin casting. Which I don’t get, would honestly prefer a system that didn’t use holy power and you could cast more. But if you talk like that everyone tells to to play priest.
The same exact thoughts. I prefer the support theme and the holy armaements over Herald anyday, but Herald is just superior to Lightsmith in almost every way, or atleast, every way that matters, even visually its superior to LS.
LS just feels unfun to play and has little to no impact. Since LS is about damage prevention and DPS buffs
I would made the following changes:
- When wings are used, barely anything happens. Add a weaker holy bulwark with something like 50% reduced effectiveness to the members of you party and make this don’t work with Awakening of course. Now this would be a decent damage prevention ability and make your wings on par with Herald’s Sun’s Avatar, rewarding timing, same as abilities like Mastery and Virtue,
- Remove the abilities from the GCD. They are both extremely clunky in Hpal and Prot Pal.
- Make them attached to spenders in some form, for example, Sacred Weapons also increases damage or haste of you and your target by let’s say 1% or 0.5% everytime you use an spender to a max of 3-5 stacks. Increase Holy bulwark absorb regen the same way. Herald already has a way of increasing haste dramatically, so maybe lets use buff and increase either haste or damage in a non passive way for our allies.
- Make the whole damn hero talent visually appealing! Herald looks insane, which makes LS look even worse in comparison.
One of the issues of stacking so many bubbles at full health is how much effective passive healing gets wasted and makes the absorbs look better than they were.