Hey all, I am basically ALWAYS playing on PvP servers. I love the thrill; however, it has been hard finding people I actually care to play with and as I get older I dont seem to have enough time to play on PvP servers anymore due to the amount of time PvP can take away.
How many layers are usually active there? How is the community? Anything else you can say to bait me over?
Probably way better than nightslayer because you won’t be ganked by lame 5 mans all the time.
They should allow PVP to PVE transfers.
On average 3 layers, maybe 4 in primetime but they need like 10 so you can actually get quest mobs.
Yeah nightlsayer only has 4 layers right now during PRIME TIME.
That makes zero sense.
if you think Jeff Bezos is gonna be impressed with your parses in UBRS and give you a seven-figure job on Twitch, go Nightslayer.
Dreamscythe is for playing WoW as a game rather than an unpaid internship.
Haven’t been on Nightslayer but Dreamscythe is pretty chill, not a lot of drama in the chats, AH is not too bad, stuff is reasonably priced, Haven’t heard any major drama in my time here
More good whispers than bad, most of the groups I’ve pugged have gone smoothly although there is some braggadocio its not overwhelming
Fairly active guild recruitment, get a few tells/invites, but not sure how much spam of that sort is going on, talk to real people about joining more often than not.
overall I think this song kinda sums it up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsTIgY2ILJ0
DS is just less competitive in pve
I have been enjoying it but have no idea what the other server is like. I know from the constant complaints our mats are a lot cheaper. Just based on logs I can tell you more of the top guilds are from the pvp server, that said pretty much everything is getting cleared just 15% faster/slower or with more/less deaths.
Guess it is up to you to determine what and if any of that matters. Same with how much wpvp factors in. Good luck on your decision.
If you are limited on time you can always try whitemane Era.
It is pvp but forever vanilla, so no rush, you can savor every moment.
The people are generally all nice and few are in a rush since a lot of us have been there for years now.
I would say DS feels a lot more casual and easy going. I’ve noticed people on NB are more competitive and are more focused on endgame and doing content. If you don’t like world pvp I wouldn’t go NB it can be a gank fest is certain zones.
With layering, I genuinely fail to understand how anyone’s levelling experience can be seriously disrupted
We had 6 layers just last night. Basically around the time you posted this…
Dreamscythe is great, zero regrets about rolling here.
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Same here. Been having a blast on both Horde and Alliance