How does crafting compare

In WoW to FF14?
Better, worse, etc?

Crafting in Club Penguin is better than crafting in WoW


Club Penguin?

I really enjoyed crafting in FF14 for how fun it was to do, but I’m fairly certain that the best gear in both games will always come from end game raiding.

btw, have they fixed the latency issues with FF14? good times watching people get blasted off Titan’s platform because they were unable to predict the future.


ff14 is much better, this games crafting only gets worse over time instead of getting better imo.


I haven’t played FF14 yet, but am considering it just because the crafting system looks so cool. Crafting in ESO is also really great!

Crafting in WoW right now is just . . . /sigh.

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well…downloading now to check out the free trial.
Hope the hype is true :slight_smile:

I used to really like professions when I first started playing (this guys been a BS/miner since his start) but now I’d say they are fairly useless unless you do alchemy.

I haven’t played FFXIV.

…But it’d have to be pretty abysmal to be worse than WoW’s current crafting systems.

Professions in WoW are absolute trash.

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NO idea of ff14’s, never played it but i would bet considerable money that its still better then wow’s current profession systems

WoW’s crafting system is… severely lacking. Any gear you make while leveling is either only okay for a bit, or you’re already outleveled by the time you can make it (which sucks).

Thing is, other games, like ESO, have great crafting systems that might take it a bit too far in the other direction. My ESO character is decked out in crafted gear, and any gear I could get from PvE or PvP would be a sidegrade at best.

The ideal solution, in my mind, would be to have crafting supplement item drops. So you could get items and then make them more powerful through crafting. Kinda like Enchanting, but for all professions.

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The really nice thing about crafting in wow right now is that you can make extremely good items with many professions. The really not nice thing is that’s all you can do.

For me that’s all I want to do, so I’m very happy with professions but I know not everyone is that way.

However, no matter what we say, being able to craft mythic raiding gear via a profession is undeniable in its strength for your character.

So I don’t know what final fantasy has or does but I’m pretty certain they have way less competetive content and therefore less value on gear.

Whatever you can craft, I imagine it will have less of an impact on your characters power and progression in that game compared to this one, but I literally know nothing about the game other than you have to pay to play it, so I’ll never know any more.

Crafting could be better in wow either way, but man is it nice getting that 415 alchemy stone! Really excited for the new transmute thingy come chewsday as well!

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I was kind of bummed when they moved away from that design. Having specific item slot improvements unique to each profession was pretty great.

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Does the whole game have to download before playing?
It let me create a character, but doesnt have a “play” button showing yet. Not sure if I have to wait till its all downloaded, or if Im missing something.

Every time I see someone complain about lag in FFXIV I just assume they haven’t figured out how FFXIV works. A lot of stuff feels like lag compared to WoW in that game because of how they use big ol’ flashy animations but still make the calculation based on when the cast finished.

More on topic:
Crafting in FFXIV is infinitely more interesting and involved than crafting in WoW, to the point where you can consider crafting professions their own classes once you get them leveled up a bit.

That said, the best gear will still be from raids and other forms of content, barring maybe 1 crafted piece that you throw extra sockets onto (if that’s still a thing) which makes it significantly better than the listed ilvl. Metro’s point of WoW crafting being able to produce Mythic quality loot isn’t quite fair, given you have to be farming Mythic raid content already to be able to do that.

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Click the character’s name. IIRC that triggers the prompt to load into the game.

This has to be a joke…

WoW has always had among the worst (and post-WoD the worst) crafting in the entire MMORPG genre.

Except you cannot unless you also raid. All “nice things” are locked behind mats that drop only in raids. And they drop in required quantities to craft anything useful only in heroic and mythic. As implemented, it is only a mechanism to reward raiders that also spent time leveling their professions.

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yeah. By the time i can make anything of consequence in this game the dungeons have already given me something better.
Thats been my experience anyway.
Im not really interested in making gear for raiding, etc. but more like stuff such as the inscription or other crafting that has less to do with combat.

I see.
Im only about 25% downloaded and clicking the name doesnt do anything yet.
I’ll wait.
The wife is really excited to try it too.
Maybe going to sign up for the Middle Earth MMO too, whatever its name is.