How does blitz mmr work?

So I just started doing blitz on my enhancement shaman. I went 5-0 and my mmr is now at 1300. I thought that if you won consecutive games, your mmr sky rocketed?

I will lay out the complex system of the MMR for specifically Solo Blitz. Basically, we have a few people sit in a dark room with popcorn and pick a bunch of numbers out of a hat. We then add all those numbers up divide by PI add some toast and subtract 3. After that is complete, we burn the paper, close our eyes and throw darts at a board and whatever number it lands on, we say that’s how many hunters or warriors we’re going to put on one team and we don’t care what that does to the MMR or the comp or the fact the other team has zero and you have 3 warriors. Then, and only then do we take all the data we just made up in our heads and figure out how best to make it to confuse you even further with this complex system.

Oh you have an enemy with 2k rating and you’re team is 1800 mmr? Well then you will get 8 points for winning even though you are at 1540 cr. Why? BECAUSE WE SAID SO, THAT’S WHY! But, don’t worry because even though you won that high MMR game we are next going to put you on a 1300 mmr team vs a 1200 mmr team for giggles and when you win we are going to either also give you 8 points OR we may feel generous and randomly give you 49. Who knows sometimes Tim can be generous. If you lose though boy will we take your yummy cr points away and make you live the rest of the season in the dreaded abyss that is known as the 1400 to 1599cr bracket mauahahhahaha.

In short, win 5 times in a row and receive 8 points each time. Lose once and get MINUS 50 DKP err CR!

Honestly speaking, I don’t think the current solo blitz mmr makes any sense to anyone yet.


Let me help you out without having to read a Harry Potter book. For most individuals mmr doesn’t go up until after 20 matches. Your first twenty are basically null and void.

I don’t know. Even after 20 games it doesn’t make much sense. I’d more or less chalk it up to the displayed MMR just being wrong.

Yeah I just don’t get it. I thought there was a placing system like in rated solo. The more you won early, the quicker and higher you climb early.

And yeah, the match making system is borked.

Yeah you would think that but nope your win rate has zero effect for your placement games. Once you get past 20 play your best and if you can catch a win streak you will surge up mmr.

Some hobo in a gray robe yells “you shale not pass!!” and tackles you into a bottomless pit while a couple of people who paid the hobo to prevent other people from passing keep going up the stairs laughing the whole way up.

This is the mmr system.

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Nope lol.

idk but im kinda tilted

i won 7 in a row today

but my mmr is still super low

my last game was 1400 mmr and we had a ragequitter in first 60 sec

minus 14 rating for me even after going on insane winstreak


Yeah, it’s confusing. 20 games as enhance is going to take awhile with the longer queue. Sad times.

I wasn’t aware of placement games on my initial climb, but I payed very close attention on my alt. I noticed an mmr jump exactly on my 21st game after having a bit better than a 60% win ratio.

Take this anecdotal evidence as you will.

It doesn’t work

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MMR in blitz is random I can play my 1900 rated healer and get into 1400 rated games. I just play them like random BGs now no point in caring about the number.