How does Aura Mastery work with Ret Aura?

It says it increases the Avenging Wrath duration by 50%, but it doesn’t seem to do that when I regularly use AW or during a proc from the aura.

How does this thing work?

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I would assume that you would need wrath to be proced from the aura and then hit aura mastery to get the benefit, I haven’t tested it because its a crappy aura that needs to be removed or reworked and using it makes blizz happy.


Not only that, but to burn that 3 minute cd to get a little more wings time after someone died feels a little wasteful XD.

Using it on anything other than devo seems like a good way to waste it.


I would have thought it worked like that, but it doesn’t do anything, either on the proc or regular. :-\


You might have to activate it prior to someone dying. Have you had any situations like that yet?

The odds of hitting it and landing a friendly death within the window seems slim unless you just don’t heal them and let them die.


Nope, haven’t been that quick on the draw :stuck_out_tongue: Let me know if anyone else can test this!

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Maybe try it in a bg and queue up as a healer and “forget” to heal people, hehehe


Not on topic but this is the part that worries me. The way they “quantify fun” is through engagement metrics. I know paladins want to make things work but the more we try to use broken things like this Ret Aura and the neutered Consecration the more they’ll point to their metrics and pretend everything is fine.


I should’ve added a bit more to the sentence, I agree that blizz only measures things in metrics and that includes fun and that is why I don’t use ret aura because its not fun for me.


Public Service Announcement: Retribution Aura proc will overwrite Avenging Wrath even if it has full duration. Do Not Turn on Retribution Aura untill after you have finished your full AW duration.


Has anybody figured this out yet? What in god’s name does Aura Mastery do for Retribution Aura and Crusader Aura? The brokenness of our auras is absolutely horrifying. I am legitimately scared for the future of this class.

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It does nothing. Pretend the aura doesn’t exist as it may as well not.


Has anyone figured this out yet? I’m still not seeing how this thing works. I submitted a ticket and haven’t heard back.


I’ve tested both using it before I pop wings and after has no affect.


It kills your whole team and grants you 12 seconds of wings per death. :slightly_smiling_face:


So, I think they’ve fixed it. Now, if I hit Aura Mastery right before someone goes down, and then they do, you do get and extended wings proc. It’s still not a great concept, but at least it works as intended now.

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lol if only it worked like this and let pally tanks solo bosses with a mega dmg burst so they could lol at bad grps )


Using Ret Aura with Aura Mastery will extend the wings duration.

However, as a Holy paladin, having 15% damage reduction for the whole party/raid (assuming you use it strategically, of course) is going to be vastly superior to a couple extra seconds of wings. Always and forever. Ideally people shouldn’t be dying with you healing anyway (but I realize Things Happen). If you want more wings you can consider using the Awakening talent and have the best of both worlds. It has a surprisingly high uptime considering it says only “15% chance”.

I REALLY wish that aura mastery impacted the conduit for concentration aura, which reduces fear effects. Having a 3 min CD that would make you immune to fear for 8 seconds does not seem overpowered to me at all.

But I did test this I’m a duel. It did not work. :frowning:

It’s only useful in epic BGs because someone around you is always dying.
But when I use it in epic BGs my wings stay up

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