How does 2x Blessed Weapon Grips work?

If you play a dual wield spec and equip 2 Blessed Weapon grips what happens if they both proc at the same time? Will it just reset the stack count to 10? Or will there be 2 seperate auras, each with 10 stacks?

2 Separate with 10 stacks last time it happened to my rogue.

I tried crafting it and this is not true. It doesn’t give 2 separate buffs, it just refreshes the buff to 10 every time either one of them proc.

That is definitely NOT how a situation like that works.

If multiple sources are capable of causing the same thing to proc, it merely adds to the existing stack, or it refreshes it. That’s why so many guides on various classes straight up tell you to have two DIFFERENT enchants, DK runes, embellishments, etc. when you’re on a class that is able to dual wield.

Even in the rare situation where it might not directly hurt you (for example: Fiery Weapon on both weapons all the way back in Classic back when it might have been the only real option), more often than not the same thing on both weapons is generally going to be a DPS loss or not overly helpful in one way or another. Yeah, I can have Fallen Crusader on both my weapons. Both weapons WOULD have the chance to heal me for 4%, but I’m not getting TWO 15% strength buffs. Yeah, I can have Razorice on both weapons, but they’d only add to ONE stack that caps at +15% frost damage. It’d get broken pretty damn fast if I was able to hit +30% strength or +30% frost damage, and that holds true for plenty of other situations as well.

In the future, you might be better off checking a guide from a reputable website before doing something potentially expensive like that. Asking here is pretty much a dice roll on if you’ll get legitimately helpful info, someone clueless as to how something actually works, or a straight up troll post.

It’s like asking a question as a new player in Barrens chat 20 years ago and getting a bunch of clowns telling you the answer is Alt+F4, another guy tossing out all the new profanity he learned on the school playground that day, a few more clowns doing Thunderfury spam, and maybe one legit answer getting lost in that mess.

I could not find any information on this which is why I made this thread. I got no helpful replies. What can you do.

When simming, running double blessed grips showed an increase in dps for me. It’s this due to a bug in the sim, or is the uptime more consistent?

More uptime. Every time either weapon procs, it refreshes to 10 stacks

Whats the difference between 1 grip vs 2? Im curious

For me, 1 BG vs 2 BG was the difference of about 6k in total dps. I was testing them at ilvl 619.

I should point out that I’m ilvl 616, so better geared players may have different results.

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And what was the difference between 0 grips and 1 grips? Just wondering how much better 2 is than one. Theres a lot of overlapping procs.

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It would really depend on your stats. My best recommendation is to sim it out on Raidbots to determine what it would look like for you.

The stat proc weapon enchants just double the stat value from the proc and that’s it.

It’s an embelishment

Also i dont even think thats true for proc based weapon enchants

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I know but was giving it as a comparison since it’s likely it works similarly. Cause I remember some embellishments in DF also just stacked the value instead of being 2 separate procs.

The stat enchants absolutely do work that way cause I’ve tested it when running double crit enchant on my DH this expac and last.

So far I believe radiant also works that way on my monk.

I just tested it on a target dummy and there is no difference.

1 blessed weapon grip = 1850 proc

2 grips = 1850 proc

I’m not even sure if having 2 increases the proc chance, I am just assuming so.

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Procs don’t stack. Its just going to refresh.
Checking icyveins or wowhead would show you recommended enchants.

That’s a bummer