How do you turn off the sound of people crafting?

Without turning off other sound effects?

Listening to someone level their tailoring next to me is the most annoying sound in the universe.


you and me both. I hate sitting in the orgrimmar AH because of that, lol
Been so long since I used that AH Id forgotten all about that. I only really use my garrison AH anymore.

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Walk away?


Mute your game? It’s white noise to me at this point.

playing wow with sound on in 2021 ack ack ack

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This addon might be able to help you, but I’m not sure. I use a similar addon (OldGunSounds, the creator is recommending people use simple sound replacer now though) to get the old gun sounds back but I’ve never tried to mute the crafting sound.


meanwhile I’m in a M+ asking the tank who had his back turned to us why they didn’t grab the mob who was actively killing the healer and the other two dps (i feigned death) before they noticed when the mob ultimately aggro’d to them and killed them too, and I followed up with the question didn’t you hear all the noise the mob was making killing everyone??"

mfw their response was “i dont play with sound on”… * facepalm*

For me it the scritchy scratchy jewelcrafting noise. It’s like nails on a chalkboard. :scream:


This is the reason i’m even in this thread. Holy goodness please go craft in a dark corner somewhere


Wow, no help. Just some sarcasitc remarks. I agree, this drives me up a wall. Maybe I’m being neurotic, but holy smokes, I cannot stand hearing it over and over at the AH.

If you have the mutesoundfile or LTP addon, 569325 is the “scritchy scratchy” as Terentius put it so well. Currently trying to find the tailoring one.

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Good for u man, why comment with a response like this?

Thanks for the heads up! I’ll go snag that so I don’t hear a bunch of crafters around me in the new zone.

I’m sure you can adjust the sound settings, also necro

Can’t post links, however you can see the URL below if you want to type it in.

https:// www.legendarycasual. com/mute-specific-sounds-in-wow/

Not one… Not two… But three necros.

Behold, the Lich Thread.

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