How do you turn off arena frames?

I use gladius for my arena frames, but when doing shuffle I have two sets of both friendy and enemy frames over lapping each other, how do you turn off the in game arena frames?

I don’t think it’s possible without an addon. Not sure which addon you could use though.

What I do is I just move them out of the way.

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I just put a piece of masking tape on my monitor where the frames are to block them out


Just to add to this, if you don’t do arenas you won’t even see them. Total nonissue

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There defaul arena frame settings in:

Game Menu::Options::Interface (at bottom)


Game Menu::Edit Mode::Arena Frames (click on the frame for the options)

I don’t see a way to remove/hide it with ingame options, so Kinsington has best suggestion if u don’t want to find something or create something/addon/macro to hide the frames.

Edit: I use this in a macro:

/script UIWidgetTopCenterContainerFrame:Hide(); <== I typed that out so maybe a mistake but looks correct

to remove the score indicator in BGs (I fight harder not knowing the score, soemtimes).

This requires two macros though if I want to see it later…Frame:Hide(); becomes …Frame:Show(); There is probably a way to combine them, but idc enough to code it up even if it is prolly very basic.

If you find the name of the arena frame you could porobably do an easy macro or two like that. Orrr move it somewhere out of immediate sight.


Edit mode. Right column under frames (the first section that you can scrolls thru). uncheck arena frames and they disappear.


Ur a genius Pifz! Unchecking any of the frames in Edit Mode removes them from the UI lol! Very nice.

That never occured to me to check hahaha

Edit: Oops spoke too soon, when I uncheck target and focus it removes the current target/focus (which is how I just tested it), but if I click on another target those frames reappear…yeah idk if arena frames would repop next match?

I had the same issue a while back. couldnt figure out how to turn them off even though its sort of hiding in plain sight.

Havent played with focus / target, but i play with the arena checked off and sarena in its place

Well, if it works, it works!

It makes sense intuitively too once you mentioned it.

Maybe the Target/Focus Frames have different internals.

I swear unchecking stuff in edit mode just means you’re not editing it anymore

pifz confirmed the only person in this thread who doesnt have lead in his tap water


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Looks like you are right. i moved mine off into the bottom corner trying to figure this out, and eventually read to uncheck that box, which makes it look like they are gone, but they do just show up in arena still. guess i never noticed them down in the corner with how small i have them.

Back to square one i guess. also, wtf is blizz doing making these so annoying to turn off

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MoveAny addon

Install > once in game type /moveany to open > scroll bout 3/4 of the way down the list until you see “Compact Arena Frames” > check that box > click the “Reload UI” prompt it gives you > check the box for “Hide Frame”

Boom done that’s it all of 45 seconds. Frames 100% won’t reappear when you zone into arena.

Sucks that there isn’t a box in default WoW UI you can just check / uncheck or an addon that’s just install fire forget, but MoveAny actually really easy to do what you’re looking for and I don’t get any errors or conflicts.

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Well frick. So the options are:

-Move to corner out of sight.
-Use an Addon.
-Set up a basic macro to hide/unhide

Hey check this old Kennie post for a /script:

If this is still called CompactArenaFrame, then perhaps this works in macro:

/script CompactArenaFrame:Hide(); <== but ya gotta click that every game and I think the /run Kennie has above is every login, could set up a small addon, though with it, if it works. I have 2 I use for spell woosh and custom UI Scale a bit below .64, not too hard.

Edit: that /run Kennie posted there seems like a solid solution now that I think about it, if one doesn’t want to bother with a small addon and it’s just one press/login (assuming it stil works)…well, maybe the absolutely easiest is just moved out of sigt.