How do you think people would have felt if we got Sethrak instead of Vulpera

Well, thank you. Like I said, I was avoiding most spoiler stuff when it comes to the expansion. I wouldn’t say this is is in the realm of bad spoilers, but I’m happy to read over them.

That doesn’t change my opinion entirely (in fact, in my mind that just further shows Ardenweald has no connection to either factions and should remain out of the stupid faction war we have going on). But it is cool information to have.

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I don’t really care which the Horde got, I just another Alliance allied race slot wasn’t wasted upon such an unpopular option as Mechagnomes.

Vulpera actually fit the horde well.

They may not have the strength of the orcs or tauren or the magic abilities of the Belfs or nightborne .

But what they have is a rugged survival instinct.


No problem. Nothing is final until we hit launch anyways, but I thought you might like to know that the Shadowlands is the Shadowlands for the entire universe, and that there are indeed Wild Gods on other worlds than just Azeroth. There’s no saying that Aliothe’s world wasn’t visited by the Titans though, so perhaps they only show up on worlds Titans visited. Either way though, in the grand scheme of things, the number of Wild Gods that are known as Loa is incredibly insignificant on a cosmic scale, since only one world really calls some Wild Gods by that term.

That having been said there’s been some speculation that Elune might be worshiped across multiple worlds, considering the Night Warrior we meet in Ardenweald supposedly doesn’t have a name fitting a Night Elf. If Elune has something to do with Ardenweald, that’s a pretty solid connection to the Alliance.

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YOu do realize all playable races have one thing in common and that is why full on northrend mechagnomes won’t happen . It is called having flesh and the ones in northrend were bad guys .

You must of missed that expansion.

I don’t think that’s a solid connection to the Alliance. Personally, Elune is an enigma that still hasn’t been fully explained. I don’t even know how much she truly cares about the Night Elves specifically. I think that does connect Ardenweald to Night Elves, but nothing specifically Alliance. Just because a good chunk of them follow the Alliance to me doesn’t mean all Night Elf culture is strictly for Alliance.

All the same, it’s still a wait and see situation for sure. And like I said, I’ll make one regardless of Horde or Alliance. I just dislike seeing the obvious choices go to the obvious factions. Predictability is Blizzard’s weakest trait right now.

That’s fair, but that having been said, I prefer to stick with what makes sense. Imagine if the Zandalari had gone Alliance, or the Kul Tirans had gone Horde. It’d be weird. I know you’d like more good looking races on the Horde, but honestly, BFA delivered on that. Nightborne (the model needs work, but they’re elves, they’re automatically beautiful). Zandalari are handsome/beautiful trolls. Mag’har aren’t really ugly, and I do believe straight backs were worked on for them and then added to standard orcs as an option. Vulpera aren’t ugly or monstrous, they’re cute. Highmountain Tauren might count as being a, ‘monstrous,’ race except they’re not really all that monstrous.

I did notice the Northrend Mechagnomes were not hit with the curse of flesh and were the bad guys in Wrath because I have played through Wrath. But thank you for explaining that to me.

Oh I’m not saying for myself. I like animals and monsters (yeah, yeah, furry and all that). I LIKE what we have. But I also want more standard beauty so I don’t have to see so many Elves. I’ve been tired of the overabundance of Elves on the Horde for years; a nice, nature-like race that tie nicely with Tauren visually but have some connection to Trolls lore-wise that also fill the role of “beautiful” for people would have been nice.

Also, I’m still in the camp that most of the Allied Races should have been customization options with the ability to choose the racials rather than fully separate races. Mag’har, Lightforged, Highmountain, Mechagnomes, and Dark Iron Dwarves should have just been more customization options. The only truly unique Allied Races are the Zandalari, Kul’Tiran, and Vulpera, and the unique but opposite models that make sense are the Nightborne and Void Elves. We should have gotten another race for the Alliance, and then the rest of those “races” should have been customization options unlocked after getting exalted with the faction or something.