Some sethrak fans I’ve seen also like Vulpera. However some have also said they would have rathered them instead of Vulpera on account of the fact that Sethrak make more sense for the horde. Both thematically and in terms of who they helped more. Now if both of them were genuinely at risk of replacing each other, I would have imagined the tension between Sethrak fans against mechagnomes would have shifted on Vulpera. There is just one key difference here though… Sethrak fans would be the ones asking for a race that is niche in comparison to Vulpera.
Another one of these? As much as I hate on Sethrak it would probably be about the same, just another AR to try out at prepatch because I didn’t find it worth the grind now and I incidentally opened the other stuff getting Zandalari so it’s basically free.
I’d probably be playing one instead of a Zandalari.
I’d have rolled one without a moment’s hesitation. Snake girls are my biggest weakness.
Better plan: what if we got Vulpera and Sethrak? And no mechagnomes?
What a world we could have had.
Mechagnomes wouldn’t have been so bad if we got the ones from Northrend rather than the trash Gnomes we got.
That is a true fact.
Blizzard would go a long ways toward fixing their mistake by allowing full mecha as a customization for them. We can’t take the race out now that it’s in, but we can make them less terrible.
Same story different crowd.
It never mattered what race “took their slot” it was always disappointment that gets folks hackles up and it will always be directed at the race in their side they were vying for.
I think we shouldn’t bother hating one another’s wants from AR’s and rather just focus on supporting and talking about the one you do want.
That way blizzard can see what the community wants with their race rather than just wall of texts saying how annoyed they are they didn’t get them.
I think if they had just done
Mechagnome <-> Gilgoblin
Sethrak <-> Vulpera
It would of felt much more equivalent between factions and they wouldn’t have complained as much
Problem is Sethrak don’t make sense going Alliance with the current narrative we have. The Horde does so much more with them and for them.
I’ve switched my main to a Mechagnome and find them pretty charming to be honest. Not super crazy about them as an Allied Race. Would’ve been fine as additional gnome customization.
all classes that could be Sethrak would have gotten race swapped. i love snake people, and while i would prefer Naga, the Sethrak are a very cool looking race in their own right.
sethrak don’t make more sense for the horde, vulpera have history of slavery and oppression pretty much like every horde race, Belves faced discrimination, orcs were in concentration camps, forsaken hated by their own family, mag’har forced out of own world, nightbourne prisoners in their own kingdom by their queen basically, the theme of the new horde isn’t war mongering races, it’s misfit races that would otherwise have no place in the world coming together to survive. Vulpera fit perfectly into that. unless they were with the horde we saw they just get enslaved and murdered, they need horde for protection far more than sethrak. they do have their usefulness too within the horde so it’s symbiotic relationship
You with this conversation again?
How I see people who liked junkgnomes acting with people who prefer vulperas and have positive feelings for sethraks but don’t care or feel cheated with junkgnomes.
I really don’t understand why they didn’t go all in with making them WotLK Mechagnomes. I still don’t understand why Blizzard decided to name them Mechagnomes when they are living in a junkyard. They’ll always be junkers to me.
Could have just made a Vulpera say something mean and plant a human NPC that has small filler text that says “the Alliance ain’t like that”.
Who knows. I just call them trash Gnomes because that is what they are. Blizzard should have just used the Northrend Mechagnomes but I guess that would have eaten five minutes out of their fifteen minute Alliance allied race time budget.
I’m ok with them now, but I still think it was wack to pair Junkers with Vulpera. A certain Junker Mage had me warm up to them quite a bit.
Just wait. I am certain that Horde will get Sethrak and probably Ogres, and Alliance will get shorter midgets and sumo wrestlers or something.
Yes, this is a problem, but even worse is that nothing was ever planned for the alliance that was as prestigious or desirable as vulpes, which when compared to junkgnomes, are simply a punch in the alliance’s own love. Just another demerit that we won in BfA.
So let the sethraks be in the horde.
It will be no worse than vulperas in the horde, for those who liked vulperas.
Whoever liked sethrak, will have no problems playing in the horde.
After junkgnomes, 280 kg kultirans and purple blood elves, I gave up expecting anything memorable in the alliance that is not compromise or placebo, whether in lore, development or races, since the best we can hope for is jokes.
I was leveling in Northrend the other day on my Alliance and did a double take when I saw them mention Mechagnomes in Borean Tundra. Seeing those Gnomes (who literally have the same motivation as those from Mechagon, about abolishing the curse of flesh to become pure beings) compared to the ones we got as playable made me really sad. I imagine Blizzard’s idea was that these Mechagnomes we got were supposed to understand that flesh isn’t a curse, that there’s something good about it, blah blah blah technology bad and all that. But it should 100% have been those instead of the junkers we got now. Personally, they look “fine”. I have story ideas for the one I made, and I’m excited to explore that. But Titan Mechagnomes would’ve been so much better.