How do you take your coffee?

oh my gosh this ‘indulgence’ coffee with praline flavour… it smells like xmas chocolates. @____@


Some people just like coffee with their milk and sugar.

I try not to drink coffee if I’m not working that day, and even then sparingly. Body starts to rely on it and you get these headaches if you don’t get a fix, not unlike some drugs.
I’m a wet blanket I know, but that’s the honest answer

Huge Dunkin fan for their drip coffee.


One of the most accepted addictions. I need a cup a day before 11am or I get a headache.


I drink a cup of coffee black to get everything moving. I’ll brew a pitcher of tea to drink throughout the day.

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i drink iced espresso latte with mostly milk and some kind of random sugar free coffee syrup and some Splenda

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Black tea, or what kind?

16 ounce tumbler with strongly brewed medium roast Carribou coffee with heavy whipping cream.

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I get an Iced Coffee from Dunkin usually before my gaming sessions.

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I’ve always gotten the store bought preground coffee you know, like Maxwell’s and Folgers. I want to get a french press and some fresh coffee beans from a [what are they called? Beanery? :rofl:] coffee bean place and see if I like those better :+1:

Orange pekoe cut black tea. It’s a local producer that makes large bags for brewing up a pitcher of iced tea .

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I like my coffee the way I like my men; dark, rich, and bittersweet.



Like the gallon brew bags?

And without other men’s tentacles in it?

Black no sugar with extra water.
I mix equal parts black coffee and water.
Caffeine dehydrates you so extra water.
I call it coffee-tea.
Oh, and I drink it cold so it’s refreshing! :neutral_face:
Seriously, try it! But you gotta think “refreshing bitter drink” DONT drink it thinking “coffee”.

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I cant smell anything :frowning:

Need to pin this reply somehow lol

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I take my coffee like my soul… black… with sugar…

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Might need to install a new nose.