oh my gosh this ‘indulgence’ coffee with praline flavour… it smells like xmas chocolates. @____@
Some people just like coffee with their milk and sugar.
I try not to drink coffee if I’m not working that day, and even then sparingly. Body starts to rely on it and you get these headaches if you don’t get a fix, not unlike some drugs.
I’m a wet blanket I know, but that’s the honest answer
Huge Dunkin fan for their drip coffee.
One of the most accepted addictions. I need a cup a day before 11am or I get a headache.
I drink a cup of coffee black to get everything moving. I’ll brew a pitcher of tea to drink throughout the day.
i drink iced espresso latte with mostly milk and some kind of random sugar free coffee syrup and some Splenda
Black tea, or what kind?
16 ounce tumbler with strongly brewed medium roast Carribou coffee with heavy whipping cream.
I get an Iced Coffee from Dunkin usually before my gaming sessions.
I’ve always gotten the store bought preground coffee you know, like Maxwell’s and Folgers. I want to get a french press and some fresh coffee beans from a [what are they called? Beanery? ] coffee bean place and see if I like those better
Orange pekoe cut black tea. It’s a local producer that makes large bags for brewing up a pitcher of iced tea .
I like my coffee the way I like my men; dark, rich, and bittersweet.
Like the gallon brew bags?
And without other men’s tentacles in it?
Black no sugar with extra water.
I mix equal parts black coffee and water.
Caffeine dehydrates you so extra water.
I call it coffee-tea.
Oh, and I drink it cold so it’s refreshing!
Seriously, try it! But you gotta think “refreshing bitter drink” DONT drink it thinking “coffee”.
I cant smell anything
Need to pin this reply somehow lol
I take my coffee like my soul… black… with sugar…
Might need to install a new nose.