How do you spend your Darkmoon Prize Tickets?

This is my first time at DMF. I got the water mount and a pet so far. Couple toys. Mostly from fishing Daggermaw and then completing the treasure map to get 100 faire tickets. Got a pet and a hat fishing.

A lot of the items are related to the various collections. Is there something you like to collect? Mounts, toys, pets?

I have been slowly working on the items over the years but I do really enjoy the Darkmoon Dirigible mount! I know 1000 is a lot of tickets, but doing the pet battle quests helps a lot. :slight_smile:


I use them to buy a gear set that I could literally go to Archerus and buy for pennies. Seems like a good decision to me.

should go to a 3rd party site for a guide that lists them all for you and makes it easy for you to choose what you want to work towards

another example of annoying design and bloat from bliz

I stock pile all Dark Moon Drought potions, to make me look taller. I like to call them sexy potions since they bring my character from a average 5’6 height to the average super model height of 6’6.

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P.S. Please read this thread I just created about a half hour ago regarding a Bug with the Darkmoon Hats - Ty!!

I hang on to them for those rare moments when someone wants to buy Darkmoon BoE transmog pieces.

Hey Bornakk, do you know if there’s an achievement for owning every single heirloom item?

I liked that I could get my army of alts (who were only allowed monthly DMF outings) to spend their tickets for moggy gear for other classes and mail them to the right char. That’s a good alt-friendly system.

Need to restock the inventories with new stuffs soon please. Maybe that patch where we’ll get to ride the roller coaster.

Think that’s only super models like RuPaul. Not fashion runway models.

I’ve been lazily saving tickets for the zepplin.

For the past year or so, the only participation in the Faire I’ve done is turning in the BoE quest items and the profession quests. I’m like, 75 away.

If you’re not an avid pet collector, the tickets are a nice way to get the upgrades for heirlooms without spending gold. It’s also a pretty good way to fill in any gaps in your heirloom collection, you can basically get one a month per character if you do a bit of preparation before hand.
Those dungeon drops (like the egg, the book, the crystal) are each worth 10 tickets.

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I am saving for the expensive mount

I have all the mounts, pets, transmog, toys and heirlooms and heirloom upgrades, so now I spend the tokens on pets for resale.

I’m working on the big rocket mount. ^

You made me look. Already have the darkmoon dirigible.

The Darkmoon Faire is a great way to obtain thousands of gold for low-level characters, especially if you’re new to the game. Once you’re past that point, however, here are the other options:

Mounts/Pets/Toys: This is the bread and butter, and the Faire has quite a few. Some of the pets are really good.

Transmogrification: There are Faire-related cosmetic items as well as “replica” armor pieces that look exactly like certain items that were hard to obtain.

Heirlooms: If you’re short on gold, there’s a vendor who sells a bunch of different heirloom armor pieces for prize tickets. I don’t think any of them are unique to the Faire, however, and found that it’s better to buy those with gold from the main heirloom vendor and use my prize tickets for other stuff.

Non-Ticket Fishing Stuff: There’s a vendor near the docks that sells recipes and pets, but she uses fish as the currency. If your “classic” fishing level is at a decent value, you should have no problem quickly obtaining some fish. Note also that this vendor sells a one-time treasure map for 100 fish which gives you a mission. The mission is quite easy if you follow the online guides, and it rewards 100 prize tickets. Well worth doing.

Gold: Some of the Faire stuff sells for thousands of gold, mostly the pets (the soulbound ones can be caged and sold) and the replica transmogs. One of the fish vendor recipes isn’t soulbound and sells for a decent amount. The fish themselves sell for anywhere from 3g to 20g apiece.

There are some other things that don’t require prize tickets (see the online guide for details):

  • The Darkmoon Rabbit has a rare pet drop (requires a raid group)
  • Moonfang has various rare drops (requires a raid group)
  • The Death Metal Knight in the Blight Boar concert has various rare drops (requires a group)
  • Fishing has various (extremely) rare drops
  • There’s an underwater cave off the southeast side of the island that gives you a toy
  • The PvP arena rewards a unique heirloom trinket if you collect 12 of the pit fighter trinkets (by winning 12 times) then win one more time.
  • Each of the eight Faire activities (the ones that reward a single ticket) has an associated achievement that rewards a toy. The racing activities have four such achievements apiece.
  • Both of the pet battle rewards have a rare pet drop.

I spent a lot of tickets on the pets, toys, mounts, heirloom stuff, and t-mog, but after that I kind of lost interest. Thanks to this thread I am thinking of starting to buy the t-mog stuff again in order to sell it on the ah.

Four easy ways to get a lot of tickets that don’t require timing:

  1. [80 tickets] There are nine Darkmoon dungeon artifacts that can be turned in at the Faire for rewards. They give 5, 10, or 15 prize tickets apiece, and you can redeem one of each type per character per Faire. The nice thing is that you can purchase all nine on the Auction House, usually for 100g-200g apiece if you wait for the price to drop.

  2. [10 tickets] Kill Moonfang. Easy 10 tickets and it’s a large group activity. Use premade groupfinder to find a group. Can be done once per character per Faire.

  3. [20 tickets] Do all five profession quests. They give 4 tickets apiece. Can be done once per character per Faire.

  4. [120 tickets] Pet battles. Win both and you get 15 tickets. Can be done once per account per day.


This is very detailed. Thanks for all the tips, friend!

I actually like 3-4 of the DMF games and have been doing them FOR SO LONG that even after buying the Blimp, I have something like 4000 tickets on Brock! lol

Some fans of Pet Battles were very vocal about why Blizzard introduced a new currency in BfA for PBs… my overwhelming stockpile of DMF tickets are why certain currencies need to change from time to time. Because any new item(s) they introduce, I can immediately buy. From where Blizzard is sitting, that’s not ideal.