How do you solo mythic crucible of storms last boss

Hi folks, just tried it, 590 ilvl. I should come in and two hit that boss from like 3 expansions ago.

Why the hell do I have to contend with a ton of mobs that are not killable ( eternal guardian ) but the first part goes well, but the boss become immune to dmg at 10 percent and there is nothing else I could do.

Should I really have to do mechanics for raids that came out in like 2015… come on blizz…

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you want blizzard to remove a raid mechanic so you can solo a raid boss? Wow and I thought I was self-centered. lol


Sorry, it did not come out as I wanted. My point is should I have to do mechanics is that shouldn<t a legacy multiply your damage by 10 or something, I died because the fight took around 7 minutes. They were not able to kill me but I was not able to kill him.

Now I am reading online that you have to be a dps to use an artifact to kill mobs.

So…unsoloable after all those years by a tank…seems weird

Blizz has done this often in the past. For some reason though lately they seem to have stopped caring about making old raids more accessible.


as far as I can tell from doing old raids, Blizzard’s approach is less

and more

example: Tazavesh final boss. 99% damage reduction due to a mechanic that requires 5 people to stop. but she couldn’t effin touch me, so it just took like 10 minutes to whittle her health down.

it’s never the DPS that is the problem, it’s that they sometimes either forget or choose to not adjust mechanics that require more than one person or cause one-shots in these old mythic raids too…especially if it is a Raid in one of the more recently old expansion like SL or BFA.

only old Mythic Boss I’ve come across that I’ve legitimately not been able to do solo on any of my characters that I’ve tried it with was Mythic Kil’Jaeden. I ended up lowering it to Heroic and I stomped it.

So switch to a dps spec and kill it?

Should be able to DPS through it after the shield phase ends.

I am a different ilvl tho.

In fact they just recently made a bunch of changes to both BFA and SL raids for this reason. If there’s still an issue with this boss in particular then it may be an oversight.


Nothing weird here, old raid bosses have always been a ‘Kill it before it kills you’ fight. The only mechanics that they change are things that insta kill you or reset the boss.

Like Rygelon in Sepulcher, that had a mechanic that once you hit 7 stacks you just instantly died, so they changed it to ensure it does not instantly kill you, but if you take too long it stacks infinitely until either you or the boss dies.

Jailer, Kel’Thuzad, N’Zoth, they all had mechanics that would instantly reset the boss, same as some Legion bosses, so they made it that those specific mechanics didn’t reset, you still had to hit hard enough to kill them and it’s always been like this.

Just go into DPS spec, pew pew and win.

I just tried on my Protection Paladin (lvl 80).

Seemed to be fine.
Video should still be processing but:


Weird, as soon as I engage him all the eternal Guardians in the level run to me and give him a shield.

I tried killing them on my way to the boss but at one they don’t die

Maybe I should just not aggro them

Are SL mythic raids soloble these days?

Want to finally get anduin skip outta my quest log

Haven’t tried Mythic yet, honestly, but Normal was a piece of cake. You do have to do some mechanics, and bosses don’t just fall over dead, so I assume Mythic will take longer, but should still be doable on theory

Mythic’s perfectly doable. The final 3 bosses are a bit of a DPS check, just make sure to prioritize Kintessa, mind your health/kill the stars on Rygelon, and dodge Domination effects for the Jailer.

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Yes, though Dreadlords&the guy next door do some serious damage if you are still low-level. Also, the Danse Macabre instant death mechanic is still on, so you need to make sure you do that one.

There’s only 1 I struggle with solo and it’s Rygelon Mythic. I can’t do enough to him before he wipes me. Albeit I don’t think I’ve actually understood his mechs yet, just been able to burst all his mechs before that level of difficulty.

Nothing I haven’t been able to duo tho!

The DoTs from Corrupted Strikes do damage based on the initial hit after mitigation, so you can extend your time on the boss by having a defensive active for each cast. It’ll still hurt at the end and might even kill you post-mortem, but it should be enough time. I was able to handle it at 627.

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Excellent, I’ll give it a go taking into consideration. (I mean to try using some of the better covenants for my class too). Thanks a lot!

is there anything even worthwhile to get from the boss though

there’s always transmog.

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