How Do You Sit on a Kul Tiran Druid in Travel Form?

Look at the huge spikes. How does anyone sit on this? And there’s a quest in Drustvar where you ride a Druid in Travel Form.

Preference and we shouldn’t judge.


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That doesn’t explain how it’s possible.

Armor, very thick and sturdy armor is how

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People are very determined to do things. Like those people who cover themselves in olive oil in order to squeeze through things.

Though in this instance, you have those wearing thick and study armor, those who like it as it is, and perhaps even those who are just don’t feel pain.

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We ride a lot of things that are bad ideas.

Frozen dragons, ponies that are on fire, that blacksmith created dog that is both full of fel and on fire…


“The Magical Fire doesn’t hurt you” is a better excuse than physical spikes not impaling you. In fact, a mount description even says that.

Still, it would be hard to physically sit on a spike.

Certainly painful to boot

Shoutout to the kites, flying discs, and magic carpets, which all look really easy to lose your balance on and also fly.


I can buy almost any mount in the game working. This is in a league of its own.

You can also have no saddle and back full of spikes in some dragon mounts customizations, so this “issue” isn’t even unique to kultiran druid forms.

The out of universe truth is this is simply a case of design over function, whoever did the concept of the travel form didn’t consider it being a mount. The dragon customizations though… they are only mounts, so maybe they just did that as a very hidden joke.

It’s actually good for you, ever heard of acupuncture?

Some people sleep on a bed of nails.

You just stand on the stirrups.

Unless you know, someone has a spike kink. Can’t imagine why, but people tend to be into some weird stuff

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For them, this question is not.

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Where would Kul’tiran Druids go in the Afterlife as Stags? Maldraxxus or Ardenweald if they look half nature and decay.

No one sits on me…

In any form.

Drust druids are in ardenweald.

Life and death as a cycle, they embody ardenweald pretty well.