How do YOU set tab targeting?

I’ve noticed in PvP settings (especially BGs) having tab target set to ‘nearest enemy’ can cause me a lot of frustration when I am trying to cycle to the death knight whacking me in the face, but I first have to cycle through his 27 minions.

Or a hunter and his pets, or warlocks, or a monk when he uses the cooldown which pulls out the wolves (name?)

I’m tempted to set tab target to ‘target nearest enemy player’ but sometimes in PvP, situationally, we NEED to quickly target a pet NPC.

How do you guys handle this? Any advice?

I have my Interface>names>Larger Nameplates checked to easily distinguish DK’s from other red hp bars.

You could bind Tab to “Target nearest enemy player” and shift+tab to “Target nearest enemy.” I did this when I was still tab targetting in PVP.

You can use an addon like BattlegroundTargets and just click the enemy raid frame.

This advice is purely for battlegrounds.

i use RETabbinder to auto switch between nearest enemy player and nearest enemy when going into and out of bgs.

while in a bg i use either manual tab selection (hold tab) or i select a target with my mouse. either their unit frame directly or via battlegroundtargets.


Have never heard of that addon…sounds like it might be exactly what I’m looking for though!! Thanks

mash that tab key ‘till it cycles back or, dont tell anyone i said this, click him with mouse.


this is godawful advice lol


Absolutely barbaric


If you are in arena use unit targeting options such as ‘target arena enemy 1’ and ‘target arena enemy 2’. I put mine on mouse wheel up/down so you can flick multiple times in either direction and be certain you changed target. If you are in a battleground you might have battlegroundenemies addon which gives a frame for enemies similar to the one for friendlies that blizzard gives, and finally you can change your tab target away from target nearest enemy to target nearest player, in the same menu

Mouseover macros are your friend! For anything that I need to get on to someone right now, I have a mouseover macro. Tab targeting is…not optimal, as you have discovered. It doesn’t really matter what setting you use, having to scroll through enemies is a huge waste of global cooldowns. Something like…

/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead]Cyclone;[noform,mod:shift]Bear Form;[noform]Cat Form;Cyclone

/targetlasttarget macros are also really handy for hunters that FD then unleash a pack of 100 mobs on you, or classes that vanish/invis etc.