Sorry for asking here, there does not seem to be much activity on the class forum.
Ive read the icy veins guide but it doesnt make it very clear.
Just wanting to get an idea of priorities.
It starts off simple with putting the fire dot on which makes the fire spell stronger.
Simple to keep track of.
But then you get further in to a fight and suddenly your fire spell is procing an instant cast, your earth spell has lightening rod put on the enemy, your energy got refunded so youre now at cap, the ice spell has caused the other effect.
Suddenly the game is asking you to press multiple different spells at the same time without enough time to do it.
Ok, first of all there is a HUGE difference between just playing around solo questing, running some dungeons versus raiding or Mythic +
I am an original vanilla Ele Shaman so I will give you the basics of fighting alone
throw a flame dot on them first, then spam lightning bolt, that’s it. You don’t really NEED to do anything else. Ohh sure you can throw in some Lava bursts but don’t make it more complicated than need be
In fact blizz now added the “hold button down to spam ability” checkbox
So now I literally just hold my lightning bolt button down and things die
Now having said that, there is actual rotation and cooldowns etc etc
So if you are playing Mythic + there will be a lot more to learn.
Playing elemental is one of the easier ranged specs IMO. I guess until and unless you need to use totems, that complicates it. But it’s a builder/spender with a dot. Plays like a mage or warlock but feels choppier, less smooth.
Lava Burst → Flameshock as soon as Burst is cast.
Lava Burst as soon as it’s available.
Earth Shock as soon as it’s available.
Use Lightning Bolt when neither are available.
Depending on your talents, you want to use Lightning Bolt after Earth Shock for the double mastery proc.
Use Storm Keeper on cd. Preferably after casting Earth Shock to weave in huge instant cast double proc Lightning Bolts.
Keep Flame Shock up on as many targets as you can.
Use Earthquake and Chain Lightning when it will hit more than 3 targets.
Use cd’s as soon as they’re available unless you’re waiting for a burst window.
Basically it. The rest depends a lot on your talents.