well classic is almost done so they’re running out of time I think most players are gonna quit when WOTLK is done, I don’t know how many people will stick around for cataclysm
It literally isn’t. I can explain easily why:
- No flying in classic. YOu have to run around and travel takes time meaning you run into more people and must interact with more people or you have the chance to interact with more people just by running around more
- There is no LFR or raid finder in classic. Forming groups is manual
- Classes have pre-defined roles and you need other people’s help to do things. You can’t solo elites easily in classic wow (vanilla). You need to find groups to help you.
- Quests have elite mobs that are not really soloable and require you to make groups on purpose
- Raids are 40 people
- The entire world is relevant, not just one island of a larger world. This means you need to traverse more of the world which means you will likely have to interact with more people
- Quest lines were DESIGNED to make people interact. The original devs have said they purposefully made zones like hillsbrad where people would meet up and have to fight
- Quests take you across multiple zones and continents. Again, increasing potential social interaction
- No summoning stones. You have to run to instances. This causes people to have to talk with others in the group and help them to find dungeons or coordinate.
- Leveling takes longer and is a bigger part of the game
I can go on and on.
RETAIL IS TRASH. If you like retail, you are not an MMORPG player. You are playing an RPG like Diablo or Lost Ark.
I’m just pointing out that everything you hate about Retail exists in Classic but it’s made worse knowing all Classic progress resets after every xpac cycle lmao.
Yeah most people’s nostalgia peaked in Wrath.
did you not read what I said, I listed examples of those already
“vanilla had some nice social interactions like building a team for dungeons or all waiting for a head to drop or elite group quests but those days are done”
but people stopped interacting with those systems a long time ago and just went into raid logging mode. even like 2 months into classic life cycle most people were already raid logging ala retail. those vanilla systems are great but it has a limit even leveling 2 toons is too much for a lot of people
But all of us already knew this was a progression server so what you’re saying is pointless
And that’s why I ask the question: How do you people do it?
I can’t imagine spending all that valuable time God gives you on something that will get erased every new xpac, the worst part is that there’s so many blatant issues but nothing is fixed so I figure that would irritate your normal customer.
Nothing you said is relevant then because I’m talking about social interaction which is non-existent in retail.
You pretending it exists just proves you have no idea what you are talking about.
Classic has 100x the social interaction of retail.
Stop coping.
that’s what mmos are you goofball in retail by the time I get a good set of gear a new patch comes out and ack all that work is gone, but the gearing in classic is leagues above retail I could name gear I got; you are excited for upgrades. but in retail it’s like who cares nobody looks at loot name with very rare examples like sylvanas backpiece or bow
If you try to play Classic like you would Retail it will feel boring. Classic is more of a slow burn RPG with way more forced social interaction. Retail has lost its RPG mechanics in favor or fast paced action RPG style gameplay where every form of content is 2 clicks away and you’ll never see those people again.
They are different styles of game.
This ^^^
Retail is an action RPG.
Classic is a MMORPG.
You can replace Retail with any other RPG like Lost Ark or Diablo, etc.
You can’t replace classic (vanilla) with anything. Nothing is on the same level.
i don’t think you’re understanding what I’m saying. I’m saying most people stopped doing those social interactions really early and just did raid logging, most classic players were raid logging and when they’re not raid logging they’re desperately trying to get wbuffs so they can log off for raid night. so the social interactions, as great as they are especially when you’re leveling, kind of goes away which is lamentable
All your stuff is literally erased by the next tier or patch lmfao.
I’m not listening to what you are saying because you are a coping clueless retail player.
You can’t convince me of your opinion.
You are just incorrect.
Lmao what?? You play too much Classic, that’s why you memorize names and stuff. That’s insane to me, like do people really care that much about loot?
Retail in DF has the best loot system out of any prior xpac so far, it is wayyyy easier than Wrath and takes more skill which is why more people generally play Retail.
I leveled up to 20 and didn’t interact with a single person, my trade chat was also just giga spammed. Idk where tf you people get communication from, but I don’t see it.
Your XP matters. I’m close to 2400 Elite atm, so once I hit that and next season starts I can use my XP to get into groups.
When Cata drops no one is gonna give af about your ICC parse.
most classic players raid log = no social interaction
there one sentence lol
That’s factually incorrect.
Which is why trying to have a discussion with you is pointless like trying to convince a flat earther they are wrong.
Some people are just not worth it.
This is why I PvP in WoW. PvP is always popping off.
so you didn’t play classic then
I imagine the people who play classic STILL might be the kind of players who interacted with it a lot more, but back during actual classic 90% of players raid logged and stayed logged off so their buffs don’t tick down. I apparently know more about classic then you do despite all your posturing. I loved vanilla I interacted with it more than most players but you can only do BRD so many times it always had a lifespan which is why you’re playing on servers with 1% the population of every other gamemode
You are confusing classic (vanilla) with WOTLK classic.
You have a retail brain.
no i’m not you didn’t have wbuffs in wotlk