How Do You Not Get Bored As Tank/DPS?

I guess some people are easily entertained and others can’t be bothered to learn something new.

Learn something new? I feel like I’m missing something :open_mouth:

Complain healer don’t do damage enough if dps can’t handle the damage need then they surely don’t need the heals. Seriously at that point its best leave

Cookie cutter rotations? Last I checked this wasn’t FF14. Most of our rotations are priority based and chaotic to say in the least. Have you seen Shadow Priest “rotation”?

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When I’m tanking, I’m often planning routes, calling out mechanics, doing interrupts, and other things besides tanking to keep my brain involved. I actually find it easier than DPSing, because then I have to do mechanics and watch things more as well as performing my rotation perfectly when I DPS.

Yea I don’t like when people do it, but I kinda get it they want to get the key over so they can get ksm and just quit for the season :confused:

Isn’t it just press mind sear then do that big aoe burst thing? Then just try to keep dots up and press mindblast?

For tanking im usually just busy thinking of what cds to use where to use them and when should i doo big pulls. Doing all those keeps things interesting too me.
Oh and trying too outheal the healer is always somewhat enjoyable too me.

I would post the icy veins rotation but that would legitimately be spam. Image a 4s cooldown cutting into every key you press for 15 seconds on an invariably long cooldown.

Fury Warrior is just as bad. You have maybe 5 buttons to push and they all have shifting priorities based on xyz. And I’m only bringing these specs up because they’re strictly priority based and I hate them.

Ive never gotten bored of dps personally. If anything I tend to get super involved in trying to min max my rotation in raid and dungeons.

Then again im a parse monkey and big number = fun

Honestly not hard, healers rarely have to heal with certain tanks :cry:

I played a lot of fury in 9.1 and it honestly just hurt my fingers, didn’t mind the rotation other than in aoe where you’re spamming whirlwind

I’ve tried getting into that but it never really makes me wanna stay. Maybe wait times for dps also is a consideration for me

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if you’re bored as a tank, pull bigger

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Then my healer complains :roll_eyes:

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Tanking and DPS is alway fun to me. “Fill the bar whack-a-mole” has never done anything for me. It’s like I’m not playing the game, I’m just enabling others to play.

Eeeyup and thats how things get really interesting real quick. (I may have killed myself a few times due too this thought process, was worth it though.)

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Been tanking for years and years now. Used to only be DPS. I’m way better at tanking and healing than DPS, if I wasn’t tanking I’d be healing.

I lean more towards supporting the effort than being the effort. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Exactly, and you get to play god. “hey dave can you please give me that piece of gear?”
“no lol”
“you’ve chosen death then?”

Something like that, 99% of the time it works 20% of the time :stuck_out_tongue:

I always like supporting, give other people happyness, one of the reasons I liked playing disc priest back in the day was to give PI and watch the dps yell “LOOK AT MY DAMAGE IM POPPING OFF OMFG”

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I guess the same way anyone finds the same thing not boring.

I find healing a dreadful combination of utterly boring on a good day and the worst effing thing ever on a bad day.

At least as dps, when something’s going wrong, I have a fractional chance to pull a clutch move and kill a deadly mob before it kills someone else, or even burn all my cd’s and tank for the 1.7 seconds we need to kill a boss.

All roles are as engaging or as boring as you make it.

DPSing can be mind numbing at low M+. But, at high M+, it can get quite stressful as you try to maximize damage while dodging mechanics, interrupting / stunning, etc.

Tanking can be boring if you always just go the same route and do nothing else. Or very involving if you are constantly watching your group and mobs, controlling the pulls, interrupting, timing the defensives, etc.

Tanking 15/16’s is very boring for me At least when I start doing 17+ I need to actually start paying attention and it is much less boring. As for dps the bigger the tank pulls the more fun it gets.

Yea I hear a lot of dps players saying this, I wonder is it because you think it’s just looking at bars? Just curious, that sounded kinda accusing in my head but idk a different way to phrase it

The way I look at it is if I do my job right you shouldn’t need that split second decision to save the group, and it kinda makes it interesting to see where I can throw in an extra dps spell to maybe also help

The highest I’ve done was a 15, so I guess I can’t relate :confused:

Maybe, but the thing is that’s a lot of gearing for a chance for me to enjoy something, IDK if I wanna make that commitment :confused: