Is there a better way than Tab targeting? Or are people using certain addons for this?
Also, are we supposed to go into Eclipse before dotting or after as a opener for AOE?
Is there a better way than Tab targeting? Or are people using certain addons for this?
Also, are we supposed to go into Eclipse before dotting or after as a opener for AOE?
Not that I’m aware of. Sunfire spreads in a small radius, and Moonfire hits the target and one additional target. I’ve mostly been tab-targetting with Moonfire until I hit them all.
After. Eclipse generally lasts long enough for us not to have to refresh the DoTs until the Eclipse has ended.
While the pull is gathering, I’m moonfiring until things get close together, then I sunfire once and start eclipse. If you’re tank isn’t a jackalope, you should starting the eclipse right as they plant.
Packs have to live for ~1min for your dps to even out.