How do you manage all the floating npc names?

I personally use Elvui, I have tried different ways to make the screen as tidy as possible while also keep the exploring convenient.

I used to have a nameplate filter that filters out all the generic NPC names I typed in, for example, Orgrimmar Grunt, Thrallmar Grunt etc. But this has huge problem in area that most npc has unique names, for example the bar in Dalaran. I will see dozens of floating nameplates from afar.

Lately, I went back to the easiest solution. Disable all friendly NPC nameplates. But that doesn’t work very well when you want to find a particular unique npc, and I have to mouseover everybody to check. I wish there’s a way that can activate friendly nameplates only when they are in close proximity.

The filters I use:

  1. Hide all non-targeted friendly NPCs nameplates
  2. Hide all non-targeted neutral NPCs nameplates when out of combat
  3. Hide friendly players in crowded Capitals namely Orgrimmar, Dalaran, Oribus
  4. Only show health bar on non-targeted enemy NPCs during combat
  5. Hide titles, level and elite/rare icon on targeted enemy NPCs during combat (only show names)
  6. Hide health bar, level and elite/rare icon on all neutral NPCs (only show names)

Recently added:
7. Give all non-targeted enemy NPCs nameplates 20% visibility/ transparency when out of combat. (Give #2 a higher priority so neutral npcs nameplates will stay hidden completely when out of combat instead.)

I have the option to show only quest NPC nameplates, and NPS’s I can interact with, I think. Its been so long since I set this up, I’m unsure.
I’m using Shadowed Unit Frames and Tidy Plates Threat Plates add-ons.
It might not have anything to do with these, and is the Game Interface, I’ll have to check.
And checked. Stock interface, I generally have the Quest NPC only box checked.
The other options are none, Quest, Interactive, and Hostile NPC’s, and All NPC’s.
Quest, Interactive, and Hostiles is not too bad, as I generally have Hostile nameplates showing anyway.

I do not have names turned on for anyone except friendly players. :slight_smile:

I don’t use nameplates. And I only have names on my faction players and quest NPCs.

People actually have this stuff on?

I turned all that crap off on launch day. Names, nameplates, the lot. Enemy, friendly, all of it. Why would I want all of that visual noise?


Hmm, I am thinking maybe I should turn off non-elite/rare mobs’ nameplates when out of combat. Just a little bit cleaner in the open world. Not able to see their healthbar in combat would be problematic…

You always still see a nameplate for anything your primary target, of course. Most of the time I don’t need anything else. If you do feel you need to see them sometimes, all you have to do is disable them all by default, and then:

  • Press V to toggle enemy nameplates on (in combat).
  • Press SHIFT+V to toggle friendly nameplates on (in combat).

I just make a new filter setting all enemy npc nameplates at 20% alpha when I’m out of combat. Looking pretty good. I much prefer getting a one for all solution then constant toggling. :joy:

I use hot keys v and shift v to enable enemy plates and friendly plates
But I almost never use friendly plates. Instead I /tar Name and mind vision when on this char

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I dont understand the issue OP.

I have enemy, neutral and enemy player healthbars on. Friendlies and self are off.

I also use ElvUI.

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oh, there isn’t an issue here. Just want to gather some idea from others on improving my ui.

I’d suggest moving the nameplates keybinds away from V and shift-v, and use P and shift-P instead.

V is far too valuable real estate next to the left hand, to waste it on frames.

Also to the OP, there is a script that alot of pvp’ers use (you can save it in a macro) that will make friendly nameplates 1/2 the width. Many find it cleaner to the eyes, and it also differentiates friendly/enemy in a way that really stands out.

Edit: Digging thru my macros file I found the script that will do this to the nameplates. Keep in mind that you will need to run this each time you log in. I suggest saving it in a macro for easy clicking:

/run C_NamePlate.SetNamePlateFriendlySize(90, 30)

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This. I haven’t test my ui in pvp at all, I fear I won’t be able to tell friendly from enemy without looking at their races.

I posted the script as an edit in my post above, if you want to copypasta it one time and see how it looks.

Just copy it and then drop it into the wow chat at anytime using CTRL-V.

I’m not sure if I want to run the script, last time I ran a gamepad script and I had to dig a solution and resetting a bunch of things. :hot_face:

And I am not sure if this works the same for my ui because I use elvui.

this is how mine looks like right now:
In combat:
*notice the neutral npc healthbar only show in combat
Out of combat:
*notice the almost transparent non-targeted enemy nameplates

Okay, OP, here is my setup.

City where I have ALL friendlies off. Keep in mind that I only play tank and DPS. Might not be helpful as a healer (I always have friendlies off):

When there are a lot of neutrals (so basically zones like Ardenweald):

I went to Magisters’ Terrace since it’s teeming with mobs everywhere; here you can see what it looks like when I have a target selected (mandatory for tanking):

Hope you get some ideas for what would work for you.

I love that you put the elite/rare icon right on their healthbar, maybe I should do that too, right now mines are show next to their level, which is above their npc titles, which is above their name, which is above their healthbar.

Level (icon)
-----health bar-----

Same as Pyrano. Been using Elv for well over ten years at this point. Enemy nameplates on by default for all my DPS/tanking characters, friendly plates are flipped to on when my healers are grouped.

I’ll admit, it takes getting used to, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I like being able to look above the head of a mob or friendly player at a glance and knowing where they are at on health, and who is casting. You don’t get that with one loan bar at the top of your screen.

Now, I’ll be honest: it’s been so long since I’ve had a clean install of ElvUI that I don’t know what the defaults even are anymore. My current gaming monitor is an ultrawide at 2560x1080 resolution.

Under the nameplates option, general tab:
I myself have Nameplate Motion Type set to stacking. This shifts plates around if more than one mob is close together. If you feel this causes clutter, I’d suggest shifting to overlapping. That’ll lock the plates in place above the head of an enemy, but be aware that if you’re tracking multiple targets the info might become hard to read. Your current target will be shifted into the foreground over everything else.

You could try setting Enemy/Friendly Combat Toggle to Toggle On In Combat. Once you leave combat, the plates should disappear within a second or two, but I can tell you from past experience that it isn’t perfect.

On the Enemy NPC/Player and Friendly NPC/Player tabs, I have the health bars height set to a size of 10. This can be set as low as 4 if you want the bars to be thinner. Under the General tab for Clickable Size, all widths are set to 150 for me. You can bring those to as low as 50.

Those are all basic things off the top of my head, but ElvUI is pretty modular, and I feel no two people will be 100% alike once they start to deviate from defaults in some manner.

Use what I brought up as a starting point and experiment with the options. I’d also suggest getting us some screenshots if you can and trying to explain exactly what it is you want in regards to bar setup. If we at least have visuals to work with, we might be able to offer better suggestions and recommendations.

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I love that you put the elite/rare icon right on their healthbar

It’s very important information as a tank, especially in dungeons/mythics so I put it there. It’s nice when you’re hunting a rare in the open world too like Time Lost Protodrake.

I happen to love immersion but I am very performance-focused as well so the starting point for me was to be shown the least amount of information possible, but the most important as well.

To me, the NPC title is irrelevant since it shows on unit frame (when it fits) and always on mouseover. I basically have only the essentials (in my view) on display.

I also have the Elvui scripted so that mobs that cast stuff have their nameplate gamma change. Unselected nameplate gammas are always lower than targeted ones.

I do have two uploaded here, check #15

Yeah I know the stuggle, so I had it only shown on nameplate and kept the unitframe showing names only and wide enough to show the longest npc name in the game. I’ve seen one with 4 words. Not 4 letters, 4 words. lmao

Btw, I’ve just changed mine and placed their level and classificationicon (elite icon) next to health bar, that saves me some space to maybe adjust their debuffs placement for classes that do DOT heavily.