How do you learn your other specs if you boost in dragonflight

So i recently came back to Dragonflight to play priest, i know right, but I pay 60$ to boost it and blizzard says…
“You will only be able to use Discipline if you boost this character.” “but you will be able to change this later.”
Then you hit accept and vuala your logging in on your new level 60 priest you paid 60$ for i was expecting a tutorial for the other specs, but i do all the quests neccessary to get going into Dragon Isles and i cant see any “activate specialization button” in my Shift+N tab so i get frustrated and go back to Stormwind to maybe see if i missed something I even talked to the priest trainer who only had some low level quests for SFK, and guess what the character I paid 60$ to play cant even pick a spec i want to play doesnt tell me how to change it or when just that, “but you can change this later.”
Honestly this is horsecrap I mean how more vauge can you get? There is no tutorial quest for the other specs and no clear indication on when and how you even change them from discipline this is quite frankly retarded for having paid 60$ to play a class I want to play shadow on… Does anyone know how to change the spec has anyone boosted a priest and knows or figured out this crap because Blizzard sure went full retard on this…


Go to talents (N)

Click the ‘specializations’ tab at the bottom left.

Click activate on shadow.


Boosting a toon is more for ppl that actually know the game and it’s not so much for new comers. It’s going to be harder learning the class when you don’t understand what’s going on.

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very highly suggest lvling from lvl 1. It really doesn’t take very long if you want to rush through it, but it greatly increases your knowledge of which ever spec you decide to play. Also if you’re into PvP i suggest signing up for some while questing, but would wait until you’re in the 7-9 lvl of any bracket “17-19 / 27-29 / 37-39 ext.”.

i suggest the WOD or CATA campaign from the Chromi timeline … some good stuff

As long as you ar efamiliar with the game itself than boosting is fine, leveling isnt teaching you the classes so much as its teaching you the game. If you arent the rare new WoW player, boosting isnt hurting you more than your wallet lol.

So basically what we got here is:
I didnt learn the game because I was impatient, rushed by learning new features. TALKED to no one or asked No one in game, paid extra money that ur not forced. THEN blamed Blizzard.


“I bought the new Elden Ring and paid $60 to skip to the last boss and i cant open my inventory to equip any weapons?!?! This game sucks!”

If you’re THAT new to a game that a menu function is giving you problems…maybe at least take the time to play the really well made “tutorial island” that literally walks you through the menus BEFORE paying extra to level boost?

No one here is actually paying attention to what the guy is asking. He’s returning. He boosted a character. It could be the same class he played on another server-- it doesn’t mean he’s a noob or unfamiliar or doesn’t know how to play the class and specialization. Hell, he could have been amazing at it and just wants a new toon on a different server. No one knows because he didn’t elaborate; he doesn’t need to. Don’t be so quick to judge.

What he is asking about is the same topic I came here looking for a solution on-- very basic: HOW do we switch specializations FROM the DEFAULT specialization used by Blizzard when it creates and boosts the character TO the specialization we WANT to play?

Simple. Basic English.

Has anyone been able to find an answer yet? Because hitting N for the special talents and such does not work. It takes you to the trees. It will not let you change the specs like it did BEFORE the talent trees came back to being used.

When you click on your talent tree area there should be a tab right next to that …that u can click that shows all specs should be able to change it from there

You sir are the one who went full retard.

It’s been a while since I used the boost feature but IIRC it does put you in a mandatory tutorial for the spec that you chose, and you will be unable to pick another one until after the tutorial has been completed. So go back and finish the tutorial.

AFAIK there isn’t a way to get the tutorial for the other specs.

Dont ask yourself why wow is dying, nobody but one dont even listen what the guy say, why the insults and your shyt talking anyway, if you have nothing to say, say nothing. I actually have the same problem right now, i boosted my old dk because I dont have the time to lvl it, yes I know how spec work, I play wow severals years, I have always play frost dk but after the boost itt change to unholy and the others specs are “lock”, the icons are gray and unavailable. Some on internet say it unlock after the tutorial but you dont have any, you just drop in the middle of Oggrimar with your inventory in mail

ive only ever played shadow and ive been playing it on and off since BC. Don’t think boosting is whats stopping people from learning a spec.

Well I had Frost before and now I cant switch to anything, im stuck in unholy

Did you finally learn how it work ?

I posted how to change specs in the second post in the thread.

The talent screen changed in dragonflight - you just need to go to an extra tab.

If you’re saying it’s locked while you’re in that specializations tab, too, then you probably need to contact support. I’ve had friends boost accounts and all three were immediately available to them soon as they were dropped in org/stormwind.

Did a quick google search for: “dragonflight change specialization”.

The very first link…

I believe that explains it pretty well.

There’s a few possibilities here:

  1. You have some quests to do that are the tutorial you have to complete before you unlock the ability to switch specs (In which case you need to go start that quest and follow the questline)

  2. There’s a bug and you never got the initial quest for the tutorial, so you can’t move forward (in which case you need to contact customer support and get that fixed)

  3. You’re just not seeing the spec switching tab on your interface. Look harder, watch a video, do something.

  4. You have a mod that has changed something and you don’t have the very obvious tab at the bottom of your spec page. Disable all mods, they aren’t needed. No, not even DBM.