How do you kill that which has no life

The guy that cosplayed at BlizzCon as South Park WoW guy died from Covid earlier. Slay many boars in his honor.

Reddit thread


Did he die from covid or from complications of being morbidly obese? :thinking:


Yeah, I had a post about this, but it was removed. And that’s rude Ishomragaku, he was taken out by COVID.

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Covid has taken the lives of healthy people. So it’s really hard to say if he would have died if he had been at a healthy weight. Whilst I agree it probably was a contributing factor to his swift decline, does that even matter?

He was a very kind down to Earth dude who many people cared about. The cause of death is irrelevant, a lot of people in the community lost a friend and are experiencing grief.

No need to be a jerk.

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I think we know

Not as many as those that are morbidly obese.

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Can you please site your claim?

[Why COVID-19 is more deadly in people with obesity—even if they’re young | Science | AAAS (sciencemag. org)](https: //www .s ciencemag .org/news/2020/09/why-covid-19-more-deadly-people-obesity-even-if-theyre-young)

" in the first metaanalysis of its kind, published on 26 August in Obesity Reviews , an international team of researchers pooled data from scores of peer-reviewed papers capturing 399,000 patients. They found that people with obesity who contracted SARS-CoV-2 were 113% more likely than people of healthy weight to land in the hospital, 74% more likely to be admitted to an ICU, and 48% more likely to die."

I will consult the Sword of 1000 Truths

Just gonna say if someone with aids dies cause of an infection that was allowed to happen cause of their weak immune response you don’t say “herpy derp, I guess he died of an infection” you say aids killed him. It’s super sad, and hope friends and family are OK. Will def slay boars in the name of the spirit which has no life :heart:


Could have used a /cast cleanse disease

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Wasn’t he a warrior?