so I ALWAYS die to the very first person I encounter every time without fail, both full health, both attacking, yet somehow I’m dead and they are barely less than half health.
How are they doing so much more damage than me when I can barely even do anything to them?
And no this is not some late-stage thing, this is, I’m barely even at 1k plunder
how do they do triple my damage?
Yes a few factors could make the experience quite challenging and confusing - often its the level difference? Perhaps you could prioritise levelling up (yourself and spells) and only fight other player until your level is higher? Also the 3rd party tactic works wonder
I just gather, kill, and run.
If I see another player I do my best to avoid them, I suck at killing people but as long as I looted 500g I’m good.
The spells are easily seen and heard from a certain distance, that’s how you are spoiled and know if there is another player around.
Some places will be up to 60 players which makes survivalbility a bit more difficult.
It depends how many people are playing and when.
Gnomes are hard to see for most players.
Funnily enough I chose a gnome for this very reason.
Still didn’t seem to help much though lol
I’ve learned that I just suck.
A few things. Little guide below if that is what you’d like to call it.
Level is a big factor. The higher your level the more damage you do and more HP you have - lower levels will be easier to kill.
You want to make sure to land on an elite upon entry. This one taps them and drops 2 spells/abilities as well as currency/experience.
Sometimes another player lands on the same one - whoever gets there first gets the XP but it is a rush to whoever gets the abilities/spells.
You want to make sure to kill elites/other NPCs for the best XP gain.
Hit rates - particularly how many hits you are able to land with the basic attack in early game as well as certain spells/abilities.
Some opt to use abilities to take out NPCs but there is always the chance of a player coming after you so be mindful of what you use and when - and be aware of surroundings. NPCs/elites have predictable attack patterns - you can use an ability to interrupt almost every elite and every basic NPCs attack is able to be sidestepped (they face a single direction and strike then adjust and repeat).
You get 2 offensive 2 defensive and 1 item. You want to make sure to use your items when necessary, barrel to evade, angry chickens to get a bit more of damage on an enemy or to distract them, and the other ones have their uses but I personally don’t prefer those.
I like to go for abilities that are almost impossible to miss and also melt enemy hp.
There are some defensives that stun and others that slow/damage together. There also bubble type defensives.
Collecting some of the same type of ability will cause those to upgrade (up to four stars, or purple) 2 stars is green, 3 is blue, 4 is purple - basic is white/no (showing) star (actually 1).
There will be a green arrow on repeats that you should grab. This will cause your abilities/spells to do more damage. Same goes for defensives.
Everyone has their own preferences as to what abilities they like to use so test around with different ones until you find some that more suite your play-style.
There are also horses which are an option for an easy get-away but you cannot heal or view your health while riding and you are still able to take damage.
You also should approach situations with caution - people like to third party, save and utilize your heals when necessary - create space, heal up some or full use and go back in. Taking damage will interrupt the heal.
If you play situations right you can sometimes even win 2v1s but you need the right abilities and CD usage.
Some use the avoiding tactic - which does work - but only goes so far.
This doesn’t exactly cover everything but I hope it helps people somewhat. Best of luck and happy plundering!
Honestly I died my first 6 games with 0 kills-then I watched a stream of some top players for a couple minutes, saw how they were moving/casting, and pretty quickly started having 2-5 kill games. lightning bulwark is bis
plunderstorm is bad
Keymapping is probably a huge factor as well. Many people are very good at outmaneuvering all of your attacks while landing almost all of their attacks on you.
Mouse-click movement is pretty much mandatory for Plunderstorm, and it may be necessary to change some of the keybindings in order to more easily switch between normal attacks and ability attacks in order to come close to competing against other players.
You don’t. You die to the person who got skill whirl and reque hoping to finish captain’s orders before some try-hard shows up to try and prevent you from doing so, and repeat the cycle. Wish this mode would stay gone permanently.
Hmm get lucky with the Abilities you get. Have a good ping, this one is extremely ping related. Oh and level up fast.
That’s about it, skill is rather a minor factor, besides knowing how to use your abilities.
And yes skill whirl is a big factor. For this one it helps a lot to have a good ping too.
Luck on your skill drops and keeping up with the leveling pace.
Also, check your latency. If you’re outside of the region where the server is located (like a good amount of players outside of the only two regions, US/EU I think), you’ll have a hard time trying to play this and hit/evade anything.