How do you get Trust level 3?

I have avoided the class specific forums (and discords), partly because I have several characters and also due to perceived fanaticism. (I could be wrong about the fanaticism)

well people got too emotional, post got removed but I won because it the end the truth hurts and monks want an echo chamber which is why I muted that thread after it.

Still the hivemind mentality and echo chamber will be used with the flagging system against anyone… unless you like to constantly roleplay with non sense answers there’s no way to even hold trust level 3 forever.

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there’s no need to agree with popular opinion.

ruffle as many feathers as you want, just don’t break the CoC while doing it :slight_smile:

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Not in my case unfortunately. My Paladin (who was my main has TL3). I recently switched over to my Monk since this is going back to my main but I don’t have TL3 and I’ve been in beta for a while now.


It is but it’s called something else. E.g. “Member” = TL2, “Regular” = TL3.

I’ve never even heard of Trust Level. I’ve been here for years and I feel brawndo new again.

This part, can’t be reached untill day 100. That being active for over 3 months on one character.

This is mostly true. If you decide to move your character to a different server or rename it, you should create another character on the original server with the exact name and your forum reputation will be transferred to the new character.

I’ve done the abovet several times.

Blizzard is so out of control with time gating everything they even did the forums, welcome to modern WoW.

Knee pads and low self esteem would be my guess. :wink:

Thats easy. Don’t post lol.

How discourse is set up has nothing to do with modern wow

Regardless of trust level, I have found there are a multitude of generous, kind souls who will help you find that meme, or song, or video if you simply ask nicely. Thanks folks :slight_smile:

Wow - that was weird, this posted as my alt even though my main is on the screen above. This is Draneira. Let me switch it back? Holy funkiness.

Yee I gave up XD I keep losing it due to decay I got sick of it lol.

You keep posting pro-Sylvanas posts with links to Accolon youtube videos speculating on what’s really going on behind the scenes.

Heads up, it changed to my alt the other day without me even knowing.

I’ll do you one better. I referred to people who don’t pvp as carebears and lost it. Had it for about a week.

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dont be funny too.
that gets you banned.

If you spend a lot of time on the forums and you don’t get in trouble, you’ll eventually get trust level 3.

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How do you find your trust level? Do I need to take a leap of faith with Ion?

All you really need to do is keep checking if you can see the Lounge forum.

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