How do you get Trust level 3?

I got some answer flagged by the monk community apparently telling the truth that all specs in game and not only monks needs help is trolling.

it’s all garbage the trust system.


Exactly, the only things I’ve shied away from saying were some jokes that I know from experience most people don’t enjoy and likely would’ve gotten me a vacation. I still toe the line occasionally though.

I’ve never been shy about sharing my opinion on something, regardless of whether it was good or bad. I think some people just don’t realize how they come across.

You did go from elf to cat. :rofl:

Heck if I know. I just woke up one day and noticed a new forum.

If there really is a connection to beta access then that might be my case.

Question is, does the trust level go away after beta is over?

Imagine not being able to do normal forum functions in 2020…

The problem is that if you were suspended, and you have been behaving well for a long time without making the mistake again, can you be forgiven so that you can improve your trustlevel?

I can’t justify doing that but my final form will be revealed with systemlands launch.



Might have changed though.

It is time gated because they know best. :+1: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Things do seem to be going backwards as time progresses. Even cheap 2000’s forums would let anyone post pictures.


Do goblins count ?

Yeppers I have noticed this with forums and gaming in general. Almost like these lessons have to be re-learned again.

:+1: :100:

hopefully, and hopefully it is not global because if it affects the forum latam that I earn the hatred of that community and I was rained pure reports spams, it may already be and it affects me in this forum too.

it’s account wide across all your games… this is why they moved almost every other game to the same forum version pretty much.

so good luck.

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Kind of like the secret promotion - don’t ask for it :wink:

hmm… ok… thanks for your honesty :frowning_face:

How do you know what your trust level is anyway??

Somewhere on these forums there is an http link you can use to look at some code behind your character and determine it.

I’m a few glasses of wine into remembering my mother who died a few weeks back, or I’d go look for it for you…just search on the forum for trust level link and I bet you find it :slight_smile:

you dont need to use that anymore it’s right there on your profile…