I’m trying to figure out how to make Pandaria level 50 (or I guess it’s called a phase zone). Someone said to talk to a chromie girl by a dragon above a dungeon (I think it was called Moshu or something), to put me in the present day, but all it did was give me an outdated level 35 quest? I’m a bit confused. Any help with direction is much appreciated.
Click your heels together three times and say ‘There’s no place like Pandaria’ and you’ll be there.
The current zone is the one with the corruption nonsense going on, and that’s a level 50 (formerly level 120) area. This is where you can do the patch 8.3 dailies to gain rep with the BFA faction.
If you talk to that NPC it will bring you back to (formerly) level 90 MoP, and if you are already level 50, the mobs should be level 35, or whatever it scaled to.
It will scale to level 50, once you hit level 50 Chromie time falls off, and there is no going back, at this point Pandaria will only scale to level 35.
If you halt XP at level 49, you can stay there as long as you want.
far as i know only the 1 map in pandaria is lvl 50, the map that has the visions, and it should be automatic, the ncp changes you back to old pandaria.
Pretty sure you have to do the cloak questline for Vale and Uldum to phase into 8.3 versions.
Visions of N’zoth?
Is that the level 50 phase you’re looking for?
If that makes Pandaria 50. The specific area I’m talking about is between Valley of the Four Winds and Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Was trying to skin for Dredged leather due to wolves being bunched up. There is a place in Uldum like that too, but didn’t like it as much. Right now everything is 35.
Like others have said, the only zone on Pandaria that changes to a max level version (50 now) is Vale of Eternal Blossoms. The rest of the zones will have their scaled down equivalent of what they were before the squish.
If you’re looking for dredged leather the wolves west of Mistfall Village in Vale should give it when skinned. There’s sometimes a rare mob among the wolves so look out for that.
Yeah that’s exactly where I’m at. West of Mistfall Village skinning, but they’re level 35 and drop Exotic Leather and instead of Dredged. So this is why I’m confused.
If you did the legendary cloak questline, the zone should scale to max. If you haven’t done the cloak questline, then Vale will scale to 35 because thats the squish equivalent of level 90.
From your earlier response, yes I mean the Visions of N’Zoth legendary cloak.
Get drunk enough you might float there.
AH, I understand now, thank you!
Talk to Zidormi to phase out of the new assault
Just outside where the lore master is is a female NPC that lets you go back to old Panda.