How do you get the allied races?

I thought these were supposed to be unlocked? Went to go make a new toon and I have to be level 40 then do quests? Am I missing something?

You need to have a level 40 character on the account. Then go to the Embassy and do the scenario.

You no longer need reputation, and as of 10.1.5 you no longer need to complete the zone storylines that build them up, but you still need to complete the recruitment questlines and scenarios that start from the embassy.

If you just hit 40 and the starting quests aren’t showing up, you may need to relog to get the server to recognize you’re over the threshold.


The patch notes probably could of been clearer in this regard but like Sendryn said level 40 unlock the scenarios for allied races.

Allied race scenarios still need to be done to unlock the class the requirements for the scenarios is what changed not the need to do them.

Ya I just didnt know there were quest that still had to be done. I thought i t was a straight unlock, so I went to make a new toon and surprise lol.

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Many of us thought the same. Vrak did clear it up in CS, too. You’re not the only one. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for that. Blizz did a poor job of communicating this, again.

Unfortunately, it’s also a little hard to keep up to date on how the requirements exactly work since we only get to do them once.

Yeah, still have a bit of legwork to do I’m afraid. On the upside, at least each questline does give you a ground mount in addition to the race. Some of them even look pretty good!

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I decided to do the unlock on a level 42 character in chromie time for Void Elves. I was sort of annoyed when the scenario started, but figured OK I’ll finish it. The problem is my character actually died in Stage 4 “repel the void” and I am not even sure why. I really don’t feel like doing it again unless I can avoid dying. Does it matter if Chromie TIme is turned on or not when doing the scenario?

The patch notes said “all restrictions for unlocking ARs have been removed.” Didn’t say you could make one at character creation. In the past, once you met all the requirements, you still had to do the intro quests at the embassy.
That intro questline is not a restriction to unlock an AR, it’s part of the AR story.

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So here, in other Blizzard threads, and even other sites for that matter, people keep saying that all you need to do to start the recruitment quests is to have a level 40 or higher character. However, that doesn’t tell the whole story. I’ve tried it and it doesn’t work. As it turns out, what you really need is a level 40 character of the same faction as the allied race you want. For example, if you want a Lightforged Draenei, just having a level 40 Tauren won’t do it. You have to have a level 40 character of one of the Alliance races (Human, regular Draenei, etc.).

does the level 40 character also have to be on the same server?

No, once you unlock allied races you can create them wherever you want.

2 weekends ago I decided to unlock the rest of my Allied races.

I had 3 to do on the Alliance Side and 2 to do on the Horde Side.

It was not too bad. Some were very easy to unlock and some were a bit more involved.

I too was taken aback by Blizzard’s announcements.

All it takes is a commitment to do them.

I had a sense of accomplishment when I finished the last one.

Now I only play Allied Races.