i saw that some retailer prematurely listed the 5090 for 7,000 bucks…
yeah no. back to console gaming for me then!!
i saw that some retailer prematurely listed the 5090 for 7,000 bucks…
yeah no. back to console gaming for me then!!
It’s in a really bad state. I called the Entertainment Crash happening a good while back, at least as far as 2018, simply from watching patterns emerge. Do I want to go back to when I was a teen? Eh, yes but also no. Yes because B-AA games were still a thing and we had loads of gems and diamonds in the rough. No because, i’d have to be a teen again.
But as far as gaming is concerned, with things shifting back to normalcy, and the fact that I have gotten proficient in writing corpo styled emails (and governmental stylings as well ((and that’s not just me, a lot of us know how to do it now)), I believe we’re on a hard course correction. The correction will be painful, but much like a barber’s blade removing a cancer, it must needs be done.
Selama ashal’anore.
I feel sad about the state of gaming now because I cannot seem to contribute to it any more. I feel pained, it’s hard to think, and I lack confidence in my thoughts and dwell on my past misfortunes and self inflicted suffering. Sometimes I feel sick or possessed even by evil or have negative thoughts but I fight those off. The days are not as they used to be I guess but I always had a dark life path in a stupid pathetic nerdy self destructive loser way.
Most companies are following the “save a dollar, lose a player” mindset that is slowly dwindling their playerbase. As for blizz, they’ve dug a deep grave for themselves that the hardcore fans are trying to help dig them out.
I’m not convinced it’s just game developers. Back in the olden days, you had to write tight code to get a real-time app to work at all. I remember having to sweat the small stuff, like using addition vs. multiplication, multiplication vs. exponentiation, and avoiding division to try to save clock cycles.
Nowadays you have so much power to work with that hardly anyone does much optimization anymore.
They need to stop making things so safe in games…imagine how good art can be when you’re so limited on how you can express it. Not good.
That’s what gaming is now.
Don’t have high hopes for triple A gaming in general with how expensive they can be to produce and how shackled some are to certain cultural mores, and AI moving into replace humans in creative roles.
At the same time AI means independent studios and developers have tools that will allow them to better flesh out their projects with less capital investment, and digital distribution means they don’t need to foot the bill of a physical box or disk or anything like that, so it’s alright for them.
Personal outlook is negative by and large because of automation, but in the short term we might see some alright stuff out of the indies and some bigger budget productions might turn up gold. There’s always FromSoft stuff as well, which tends toward good.
It’s ok to release unfinished games
It’s ok to release games with no content and then sell content on day one.
I feel like based on quality, sales, content and the topics and themes of games in the last decade that there has been less layoffs than warranted as far as we’ve seen. Make bad game, get fired. Everyone wants to act surprised about industry layoffs but they forget the garbage product produced by the industry. If I do my job bad and contribute towards costing my employer millions in any way, I won’t be surprised to lose my job. Like… If you worked on a game that took 6 months of patching before being serviceable? Bye. If you’re of the crowd that thinks it’s ok to launch a game in stalker 2 state? To the shadow realm with you.
Think about it. Mathematically, based on industry quality, the more layoffs we see, the greater the chances that we see an increase in quality. Poor quality products aren’t the result of oopsie daisies and bed wetting. They’re bad employees and bad studios.
You’ll never be 12, you’ll never experience anything the way it was, times change, it’s all gone. Adapt, change, or quit.
There isn’t enough innovation or risk taking these days.
Which is why the future of gaming is in things like Indie projects rather than these big companies who just follow trends or easy bucks on mobile games.
Sooner or later the well will dry in that department and will end up turning towards more Indie projects for our entertainment, which isn’t to say that things are completely bleak there are decent shooters like Helldivers 2 or Space Marine 2 that brings a much needed splash of variety into the market.
It’s just a shame that nobody has made that game that has surpassed WoW, one day someone will but I think it’ll be awhile yet.
well duh, i was being sarcastic. id say I’ve adapted pretty well compared to some people.
Gaming is in a pretty great state right now, it’s just the Western AAA developers that are the one’s churning out slop. Smaller developers and Eastern developers have been hitting it out of the park.
well yeha the western devs rn suck but even then ihavent really played any good eastern games except for one.
It’s a soulless, profit driven, corporate initiative directed industry is how I feel about it. We’re lucky it isn’t worse is about the best I can say.
You probably haven’t bothered to try any.
Elden Ring, FF7 Rebirth, Black Myth Wukong, Marvel Rivels, Monster Hunter, Silent Hill, Metaphor: Refantazio, etc., etc.
WoW or beyond WoW?
I do think GOG (Good Old Games) is a great platform, supporting old games and ensuring everything is DRM-free so that you effectively own the game. I do think the era of “live-service” games has ruined gaming but it is the only business model that is viable at an AAA level given they are all over-staffed and innovatively brain-dead. WoW will likely be the last live service game I ever play.
I get to pretend I’m Indiana Jones and have an open world Star Wars game to explore. I am content.
Some of you need to play more games if you think gaming is in a bad sport right now. Games like Return to Moria, Grounded, Vermintide, Space Marine 2, Lockdown Protocol, Helldivers, Elden Ring, Baldur’s Gate 3, and pretty much the entire indie scene.
I’m playing more games these days than I did 10 years ago.