How do you feel about the recent talent change of Prot?

They said they would do tuning changes in the last blue post in the thread, Hopefully that means the defensive profile, being carried by one exceedingly strong build for a whole expansion got old after a patch.

The general issue is that when shield block is inevitably goes down, you have to rely on IP to mitigate damage. Shield block has a longer CD than legion, costs more rage. IP’s value got nerfed, and only redirects 50% of the damage from legions 90%. Spoiler: It hurts a lot to rely only on IP to try and tank.

Legion Prot wasn’t even good without borrowed powers like tier and legendaries massively boosting rage economy and sustain. You were godlike if the boss had damage that could be blocked, then block got adjusted in bfa to an effective armor boost on those attacks instead of a factored reduction.

BFA Prot sucked hard if you went outside the meta build.

Covenant abilites, soulbinds, conduits may patch the spec again. I am personally sick of the baseline spec being a punching bag getting saved by external powers for the third expansion in a row.