How do you feel about the idea of pandaren demon hunters?

Oh my gosh… why?

One of my favorite songs.

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My eyes were not prepared for this.

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Im not one to kink shame
But some people are into some seriously disturbing stuff


God no, I would actually have to cut my own eyes out to ensure I never see them!



That hair tho! :heart_eyes:

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I mean… what eyes, Caelin?

I think it can work out for the Pandaren quite well with their agility and skills as monks. However, I cannot think of a good enough lore reason for them to join the Illidari except for what happened in Legion, but the Burning Legion was defeated. Sure, they may not be gone for good, but the defeat they suffered was significant enough.

Maybe if the Burning Legion comes back, but that might take a while. Honestly, it can work, so I can’t see why not. It’s a matter that we can, but should we? I’m on the why not side of things.

There is no one to teach them, which is why better races aren’t able to become DHs.

first: they’re alright.
second: wait… not before orcs/draenei dh with fel-orc/eredar skins!
third: kinda redundant. i mean… glide AND bouncey?
fourth: i think they’d look a little silly.

so in-general… not against the idea, but i can’t see me playing one.

that being said, i ADORE pandaren. i just… don’t adore demon-hunters.


I’d race change to a Human Demon Hunter.

FFS, just no.

My God the first pic…

How do I delete someone else’s post and ban them at the same time?

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actually, i take-back my reservations. i love’em. bring on the pandaren dh! heck, bring on the dh in-general. anything to make it more than just elves!


His cooking is fiendish. The people who came to his restaurant were not prepared! For how tasty his food was.


Well I know im supportive of it now after seeing the pictures OP (:

I really think any race / any class should be unlocked after reaching 15k achievement points with one slot per account. Possibly making it any race/class/faction too.


while pandaren demon hunters are cool. i’m still on team gnome/vulpera demon hunters first.


Imagine a panderan chief dh saying"You are not prepared for this fantastic recipe"!

It could work if they create a 4chan like server.